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 From:  Mikee   
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
34967.15 In reply to 34967.14 

So you'd have to download the json of all the forum members usernames in one request?


That'd be pretty slow. Then doing a search through the json data every time someone presses a key would also be slow and intensive. That technique would also mean having to write server side code.

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 From:  Mikee   
 To:  ALL

You could extend this idea by indexing any viewed threads against thread id's, then have a quick search to quickly jump to threads you've previously viewed by quickly typing part of the name of it.


I'm pretty sure sqlite allows fulltext searching.

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Mikee      
34967.17 In reply to 34967.15 
If there are 500 members with 32 character usernames, that's 15KB of data - not slow to download.

Whether it's slow+intensive to use that with JSON vs SQLite is my question really - is there enough benefit from SQLite to make it a feature that can only be utilised by people who have installed extra software?
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 From:  Mikee   
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
34967.18 In reply to 34967.17 

Mmm. Well I was thinking of it as a small enhancement which is pretty quick and inexpensive to implement.


Dunno. Was just a suggestion :) Could be nice to enhance things with gears here and there.. such as the multiple file selector and whatnot.

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