CodingThing which I wish to do with php...


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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  DarkBadger      
34900.24 In reply to 34900.1 
I bet you're wishing you hadn't asked now.

some things never change
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 From:  Ally  
 To:  DarkBadger      
34900.25 In reply to 34900.1 

If it's an internal thing hosted on IIS you can grab the current username, I did exactly that a few months ago. I remember it involved a lot of fucking about, though.


That said, if you're running PHP it seems unlikely you're on IIS.

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 From:  DarkBadger   
 To:  Ally     
34900.26 In reply to 34900.25 
Nah, it's Apache but another project with an outsourced developer is working on calling a .NET script from php or sommat. I'm going to call them and ask WTF 'cause I can't see that being secure\seamless but if they manage it, I'll just nick their code.
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 From:  Ally  
 To:  DarkBadger      
34900.27 In reply to 34900.26 
.NET from PHP sounds about right, actually. Mental though it is. IIS offers some option (my memory is hazy) whereby every user is automatically authenticated as their Windows login, so there's a $USER variable in there somewhere. or something along those lines.
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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  Ally     
34900.28 In reply to 34900.27 
What if they don't have a Windows login?

some things never change
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 From:  Ally  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
34900.29 In reply to 34900.28 
Then they shouldn't have access to your network.
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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  Ally     
34900.30 In reply to 34900.29 
Ahh, right, I thought that this was some kinda interweb thingy, not intranet.

some things never change
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 From:  Ally  
 To:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)     
34900.31 In reply to 34900.30 
Well I don't think he actually said, but there's definitely no way of getting someone's Windows login over the internet.
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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  Ally     
34900.32 In reply to 34900.31 
Yeah, I suppose even Microsoft wouldn't be dumb enough to have a security hole like that.

some things never change
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 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
34900.33 In reply to 34900.18 
Let me just apologize up front that this (probably) doesn't make much sense. I'm not very good at explaining things like this without actually showing examples.

I only said that thing about tools because I only have serious experience with my tools of choice. I'm sure that not everyone uses the same tools as me, and they all seem happy with Lisp. (I'm skipping talking about tools because I want to say a lot about other stuff :p)

As for powerful features... to some extent you're going to have to either take my word for it or be willing to get your hands a bit dirty with Lisp. If you're willing to learn a bit of Lisp, it won't take long - a few hours maybe - to "get" it. It's not really the kind of thing that can be communicated without showing some examples, but since they'd have to be in Lisp and you don't know Lisp we're left with a bit of a catch-22. Eric Raymond (I know, I know) has this to say about it:

quote: ESR
LISP is worth learning for a different reason — the profound enlightenment experience you will have when you finally get it. That experience will make you a better programmer for the rest of your days, even if you never actually use LISP itself a lot.

If learning a new programming language changes the way you think about programming (or gives you another way to think about it), then certainly learning several languages - especially diverse ones - will give you more ways to approach programming. And having more "tools" to apply to programming is a good thing, right? This is why you should learn Lisp, even if you never intend to use it.

Okay, moving on.

The main benefit to the parentheses is that they mean that all Lisp programs are lists. And since Lisp is at its core a list processing language, there is essentially no distinction between code and data. This is what gives Lisp most of its power - especially (don't cringe) Lisp's macros. Other languages have things called macros but they are not the same thing. Lisp's macros mean, in short, that Lisp is a programmable programming language. Which doesn't really make sense (at least it didn't to me) unless (I keep coming back to this) you actually give it a shot and see for yourself what can be done.

When I said that Lisp is good for any common programming task I didn't mean that it can, or should, be used as a replacement for HTML, XML, CSS, JS or regexes. Oh, God, that would be awful. I just meant that it is a good "core" programming language, like C or Java or Python. It gets pushed aside as "that old AI language" quite often, and while it does have roots in AI research it has moved far beyond that. It also has libraries to handle regular expressions, XML, and so on. (And yes the example you showed with the fake HTML was hideous.)

Anyway if you're willing to take an hour or so to learn the syntax and then look at some examples, I'll be happy to gather some things up and put them together into something cohesive and (I hope!) easy to digest. I'm confident that if you see some Lisp macros in action you'll quickly come to grasp the power that they provide.

If you need further prodding, consider that Lisp was invented before OO programming, but now fully supports OO (quite a bit better than most C-based languages...) and was able to incorporate it without any modification to the base language and without any kind of preprocessor being written. Some implementations of Lisp also include Aspect Oriented programming, if that's your thing.

XML is like violence. If it hasn't solved your problems yet, you're just not using enough.
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34900.34 In reply to 34900.33 

I do kind of agree with some of that. Certainly, learning lots of different languages that work in different ways is good for your general programming skills. I've been learning Ruby and I'm hoping to get more into F#, but what I've done of those so far has really helped my C# 3.0 coding and changed the way I approach certain tasks. Particularly with the shift toward multi-core-aware programming, using some of the functional principles is a massive help.


Personally though, I know Lisp (well, Scheme) and I don't get on with it.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star, I don't wonder what you are:
You're the cooling down of gases, forming into solid masses.
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34900.35 In reply to 34900.34 

Scheme is a Lisp but it's not an implementation of ANSI Common Lisp, which is what most people really mean when they say "Lisp".


Just, you know. FYI.

XML is like violence. If it hasn't solved your problems yet, you're just not using enough.
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