CodingSome AS3 suff


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 From:  Kane (RAI_KANE3)   
 To:  Rowan     
34816.11 In reply to 34816.10 
I am a bit dubious about installing firefox 3 as I wot be able to test for firefox 2 if I do, and as a web designer/developer I need to make sure I reach the most popular browser audience, which is annoying really as IE6 still has 35% uk audience and IE7 and firefox 2 control the rest.

AKA Benn has it really been (8 years)
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Kane (RAI_KANE3)      
34816.12 In reply to 34816.11 
which is annoying really as IE6 still has 35% uk audience

Yeah, IE6 is a huge pain in the arse, I'd happily ignore it if it didn't still have such a huge userbase. :/
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 From:  Rowan  
 To:  Kane (RAI_KANE3)      
34816.13 In reply to 34816.11 

Aye, fair enough. FF3 on Linux isn't the most common set-up.


And, yes, IE6 is a hugely irritating. I spent the last week making things work (or not-break so much) in it. Sigh.

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 From:  Matt  
 To:  Kane (RAI_KANE3)      
34816.14 In reply to 34816.11 
Right now I can't reach on Windows or Ubuntu, but when it was working earlier, for what it's worth at least, it was working ok in FF3 on Windows.

There was an slight hiccup the first time I opened it, where everything was in plaintext like the CSS was switched off, but that seems to be resolved now. I'll write that one off as you possibly tinkering with the site as I was loading it.

On Ubuntu FF3 it gives me this error if it's any help:

uncaught exception: requires the Prototype JavaScript framework >= 1.4.0


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 From:  Kane (RAI_KANE3)   
 To:  ALL
It seems i'm having hosting issues ontop of trying to debug all the errors in my site, damn fasthost (I know, i know dont say anything they were cheap).

AKA Benn has it really been (8 years)
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