Teh ForumTeh Massive Seven Year Itchy Meat + Gig


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 From:  Ally  
 To:  Edd     
34784.249 In reply to 34784.236 

I did come back to the Fitzroy, so more fool you. Sort of?


The seals were asking for it, chatty bastards. I don't think there are many of them in New York though, I'll have to club off-off-broadway actors instead.

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  Ally     
34784.250 In reply to 34784.247 

Hahaha - I think you must have my hangover aswell as your own!


I really have absolutely no right to be feeling this chipper today :D

Lucky Pierre, a sexual position in which during a three-person sexual encounter with at least two men participating, one male penetrates the anus of the other male, who is simultaneously penetrating either the anus or the vagina of the third person. The man in the middle, who both gives and receives, is the "Lucky Pierre".
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 From:  Ally  
 To:  koswix     
34784.251 In reply to 34784.250 

I'm still trying to work it out- I actually even threw up this morning. I suspect it might have a lot more to do with the food I ate at the end of the night than the drinks I had beforehand though... urgh.


But yes I'm so glad you're all feeling so bloody great >:-(

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  Ally     
34784.252 In reply to 34784.251 
*plays a trumpet in your ear*

Lucky Pierre, a sexual position in which during a three-person sexual encounter with at least two men participating, one male penetrates the anus of the other male, who is simultaneously penetrating either the anus or the vagina of the third person. The man in the middle, who both gives and receives, is the "Lucky Pierre".
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 From:  paul   
 To:  koswix     
34784.253 In reply to 34784.252 
No hangover here either.

Still got my cold though...


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 From:  koswix  
 To:  paul      
34784.254 In reply to 34784.253 

Forgot my CF card reader, so will upload them when I get home. Nearly there now - only another 45 minutes or so.


I'm not hungover, but I /am/ fucking tired :((

Lucky Pierre, a sexual position in which during a three-person sexual encounter with at least two men participating, one male penetrates the anus of the other male, who is simultaneously penetrating either the anus or the vagina of the third person. The man in the middle, who both gives and receives, is the "Lucky Pierre".
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 From:  Voltane  
 To:  ALL
34784.255 In reply to 34784.254 

I'm alive!


Only thanks to the thread have I noticed the scrapes on my knees. I have to confess to not remembering a lot of stuff (falling over, Edd turned up?)


I still have a massive hangover (although no throwing up).


I think my downfall was not eating once I got to the meet. I had had pizza before I left and don't remember eating anything else - although the empty McDonalds bag suggests I did have something on the way home.


Still, what I do remember I enjoyed and it was good to meet you all!

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 From:  Mouse  
 To:  Voltane     
34784.256 In reply to 34784.255 
Thank you for representing the drunken falling over contingent which I was unable to do this time.

Which of the following would you most prefer?
A: a puppy,
B: a pretty flower from your sweety, or
C: a large properly formatted data file?
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 From:  paul   
 To:  ALL
Actual attendees [in roughly chronological order]:

Serg's Dad

Did I miss anyone off?

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  paul      
34784.258 In reply to 34784.257 

:O :D wow! 30 folk! Think it's safe to say that The Vetoes will be getting offered another gig at that place then! :D


In other news, the CIA have released new photo evidence that Osama Bin Voltane takes hating Western traditions very seriously indeed.

Lucky Pierre, a sexual position in which during a three-person sexual encounter with at least two men participating, one male penetrates the anus of the other male, who is simultaneously penetrating either the anus or the vagina of the third person. The man in the middle, who both gives and receives, is the "Lucky Pierre".
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 From:  johngti_mk-ii  
 To:  ALL
Massive thanks to all (and sexual favours to some ;) ) for coming last night - I hope you weren't too bored at the Tower! Can't believe that EP didn't have a hangover though!! You really are the best and, as for Ally, it's a bit of a shock realising that I've known quite a lot of you for a very long time and you've consistently been top folk.

Add THE VETOES to your myspace friends!!! Pretty please :D

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 From:  Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)  
 To:  johngti_mk-ii     
34784.260 In reply to 34784.259 

Aww well it was great to see you and Clare again.


Shame Dave didn't make it that would of been even more massive!

Web Shite Mail Me

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 From:  paul   
 To:  johngti_mk-ii     
34784.261 In reply to 34784.259 
I probably should have had a hangover, considering the volume and mixture of drinks consumed [blames Ben].

Loved seeing you and Claire again [and everyone else], loved the gig too, made me realise how much I do miss socialising.

I had a great time, even though I got far drunker than I really wanted to...

Many thanks to all those that attended and made it into one of [if not] the best meats yet.

Commiserations to those that couldn't make it.

Special thanks to Steve Manthorp for throwing an inordinate amount across the bar for general consumption, you are, as ever, a true gent! (hug)

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 From:  andy  
 To:  ALL
FINALLY home. great to see y'all even if just for a couple of hours, apologies for turning up so late - was supposed to be there around 3 but various boring dramas held me up. and so similarly to ally i didn't really get to talk to quite a few people but ... next time!

milko: my team kicks your team's ass.
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 From:  Rich (RICARD00)  
 To:  ALL
34784.263 In reply to 34784.243 

What a great meat and what fantastic hosts Serg & Elena are. Thanks guys.


Also thanks to Milko & The Lovely Tina for rescuing Wattsy when required!


See you all again soon I hope!

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 From:  y2rich  
 To:  ALL
34784.264 In reply to 34784.263 
Apologies for not making it yesterday but I got called up to play rugby at the last minute and I had to head to Wandsworth straight after. Sounds like I missed a good one :(
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 From:  Edd  
 To:  paul      
34784.265 In reply to 34784.261 
quote: paul

Special thanks to Steve Manthorp for throwing an inordinate amount across the bar for general consumption, you are, as ever, a true gent!

Oh yes, thanks to Mr Manthorp for Nathalie. and the Underworld recommendation. It was a penny on Amazon so I couldn't say no...

Warning: this bench becomes red-hot between 1a.m and 7a.m. No sleeping.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  milko     
What's Tina's surname?

(So I can correctly credit/label the photos she took.)
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  ALL
So, after a couple of hours setting whitebalance, cropping, removing redeye and getting rid of several large spots of dust, the images are uploaded to Flickr.

Here you go:
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 From:  JonCooper  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
34784.268 In reply to 34784.267 
looks like a good meat, loads there

who are they all though?

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