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 From:  DSLPete (THE_TGG)  
 To:  Matt     
34465.11 In reply to 34465.10 

Gah, it wont even install at the moment on ubuntu, it seems it needs some fonts package which has been deprecated.


This certainly *used* to be a good tool, it seems it might have fallen by the wayside of late!

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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  Matt     
34465.12 In reply to 34465.10 
Version 3 and 4 MySQL servers are supported. Connections to version 4 servers will be established using the version 3 MySQL library because version 4 is not supported by the native driver, currently.

So hardly bleedin' edge then.

"some things never change"
someone who looks a lot like me, This Signature
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