Teh ForumTeh Meat - 21st June - York


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 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  DrBoff (BOFF)     
34338.92 In reply to 34338.90 
Yes, I'll be getting onto a train at Darlo as I live there :)

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 From:  DrBoff (BOFF)  
 To:  Dave!!     
34338.93 In reply to 34338.92 
Awesome. What time are we planning on starting?
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 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  DrBoff (BOFF)     
34338.94 In reply to 34338.93 
I hadn't given it much thought to be honest. When and where exactly will everyone be meating up?

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 From:  DrBoff (BOFF)  
 To:  Dave!!     
34338.95 In reply to 34338.94 
That was kind of my question. I was hoping Mouse would come along and answer it.
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 From:  Mouse   
 To:  Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)     
34338.96 In reply to 34338.91 
How strange! Ahhhh! Punkmikey or something? I am confusing you with him. My appologies.

Which of the following would you most prefer?
A: a puppy,
B: a pretty flower from your sweety, or
C: a large properly formatted data file?
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 From:  Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)  
 To:  Mouse      
34338.97 In reply to 34338.96 
No problems matey. I am sure we shall meat some day ;-)

Web Shite Mail Me

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 From:  Rich (RICARD00)  
 To:  Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)     
34338.98 In reply to 34338.88 
Mate, I'll be in London in the next few weeks, I'll give you plenty of notice and perhaps we can arrange a pint of 3.

And if we can't get a pint of 3, we can have a pint or 3.

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 From:  Mouse   
 To:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)     
What time do you get into York lad? And... is anyone else going through Leeds?

Which of the following would you most prefer?
A: a puppy,
B: a pretty flower from your sweety, or
C: a large properly formatted data file?
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 From:  Mouse   
 To:  ALL
Oh and we have had fair sucess in meeting some at the train station and then some at The Maltings just down the road, do that again yeah?

Which of the following would you most prefer?
A: a puppy,
B: a pretty flower from your sweety, or
C: a large properly formatted data file?
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 From:  Mouse   
 To:  ALL

Some times (also on first post):


Leeds Railway Station 11.00 till 12:12 train to:
York Railway Station - 12:35 till 12:55 when we set off to:
The Maltings - 13:00

Which of the following would you most prefer?
A: a puppy,
B: a pretty flower from your sweety, or
C: a large properly formatted data file?
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 From:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)  
 To:  Mouse      
34338.102 In reply to 34338.99 
I get to York about half one, so I'll probably see you all in the Maltings. That's the one just up from the station, near the river, right?

The Wisdom of IMDB Messageboards:
One Night At McCool's

There's one thing I don't understand: Why would Randy and Jewel, for some reason, have sex right at the beginning of the movie?

-- Um, like, are you kidding? Randy sees the golden opportunity (like finding plutonium by accident) and takes it.
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 From:  Mouse   
 To:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)     
34338.103 In reply to 34338.102 
Yupyup, small propper pub near the bridge.

Which of the following would you most prefer?
A: a puppy,
B: a pretty flower from your sweety, or
C: a large properly formatted data file?
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 From:  Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)  
 To:  Rich (RICARD00)     
34338.104 In reply to 34338.98 

Give us a shout matey. I will see what I can wangle. The office that I normal manage has become rather quiet of late becuase most of the users are traveling so I might not actually be going there for a while.


Let us see.

Web Shite Mail Me

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 From:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)  
 To:  ALL

Sorry all, I'm dropping out :(


Money is tight and I've got a few events to attend over that weekend anyway. I am gutted though because I was really looking forward to it. I've just over comitted myself lately.


If there's a Northern Christmas Meet then I'm sure I'll attend.

We seem to have a conflict of interest, because I couldn't give a shit.
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 From:  Mouse   
 To:  Monsoir (PILOTDAN)     
34338.106 In reply to 34338.105 
Booo! Please send a Herman doll to carry around with us then.

Which of the following would you most prefer?
A: a puppy,
B: a pretty flower from your sweety, or
C: a large properly formatted data file?
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 From:  koswix  
 To:  Manthorp     
34338.107 In reply to 34338.6 
Any room at the inn, guvnor?

69, also known by its French name soixante-neuf (sixty-nine), is a sexual activity. In this position, two people orient themselves such that each person's mouth is near the other's genitals, simultaneously performing oral sex. This position can be performed in opposite-sex or same-sex pairings.
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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  koswix     
34338.108 In reply to 34338.107 
God, May will end up like Marilyn Chambers in Behind the Green Door. But yes, thrice welcome old bean.

"We all have flaws, and mine is being wicked."
James Thurber, The Thirteen Clocks 1951

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  Manthorp     
34338.109 In reply to 34338.108 
Hoorah! A million thank yous!

69, also known by its French name soixante-neuf (sixty-nine), is a sexual activity. In this position, two people orient themselves such that each person's mouth is near the other's genitals, simultaneously performing oral sex. This position can be performed in opposite-sex or same-sex pairings.
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 From:  Rich  
 To:  Mouse      
34338.110 In reply to 34338.106 
I know I've been shirking my Teh responsibilities of late (work commitments and all), but is there room for a Dex plus delightful other half in the proceedings?

Rich - e - w - m
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 From:  Mouse   
 To:  Rich     
34338.111 In reply to 34338.110 
Hof Course. I think the manthorp inn might be a bit full though. What time shall we expect yourselves? Meet times on first post.

Which of the following would you most prefer?
A: a puppy,
B: a pretty flower from your sweety, or
C: a large properly formatted data file?
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