Teh ForumTeh Meat - 21st June - York


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 From:  craig (CHARTLEY)  
 To:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)     
34338.221 In reply to 34338.217 

If it's July/August I should have the previously mentioned spare bedroom as well as other flat space.


That aside I dont mind/ have no other committments that can't be rejigged to suit everyone else.

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 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  ALL
My piccies that I took can all be viewed here.

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 From:  Matt  
 To:  Voltane     
34338.223 In reply to 34338.174 
/me dials back a few days

Was it good then? Didn't happen to see The Sidewinders perform did you?

I did manage to escape my sister's birthday celebrations after the meal and get stupidly drunk in town (and not break an ankle). Really wish I'd gone down to London tho', Banbury's just not the same :(


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 From:  Voltane  
 To:  Matt     
34338.224 In reply to 34338.223 

Yeah it was quite good. Probably saw The Sidewinders but i'd had quite a bit to drink by then. :/


Another band called Lord Byron did a cover of the Theme from Ulysses (which got the whole bar laughing - but I don't think that was the intention). They came across like they'd overdosed on Tim Burton and Nick Cave.

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