CodingDesign Patterns


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 To:  Mikee      
34068.3 In reply to 34068.1 
In purist terms, you should have a common data class which is exported from the service classes and can be formatted by the Output classes. That way you can add new Outputters or a new service without needing to modify existing code, as long as they use this common intermediate class. Check out loose coupling for more info.

Adjunct: the application I'm working on lets users manipulate the business object graphs themselves for export, custom wizard building, etc. Sometimes the graph is presented in a tree-view, and sometimes in cascading popup menus. But both ways are essentially a tree with nodes, some of which have child nodes. So I'm going to write wrapper classes around TreeView, TreeNode, PopupMenu and MenuItem, which implement common interfaces so I can write a single class to populate both without mucking about. Then when I add a WPF-based UI, I can simply write another wrapper and all the existing code will Just Work™.

Singletons are generally bad, btw. There's a difference between only needing one instance of a class, and needing only one instance of a class.

Dance like it hurts; Love like you need the money; Work when people are watching.
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 From:  Mikee   
34068.4 In reply to 34068.3 

My brain is starting to hurt more.


"There's a difference between only needing one instance of a class, and needing only one instance of a class."




The more I think about what it is I need to do, the more I'm losing concentration and the TV keeps seeming more and more interesting.


I'm starting to question my origional bit of code because I can't think of a situation where I'll need more than one output method.


I shall read your link. ta.

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 From:  Mikee   
 To:  Mikee      
34068.5 In reply to 34068.2 

Hmm. I should've read my own code before I last posted. I KNEW i wasnt going to have more than one data output object, but knew i was going to have more than one data source.


Gah im going insane. Far too many hours coding without a break.

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 From:  Mikee   
34068.6 In reply to 34068.3 
I think im trying to think of a way to reinvent the wheel. So i'm going to have my output classes as wrappers around XmlWriters and Xsl..

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 From:  Mikee   
 To:  Mikee      
34068.7 In reply to 34068.6 

... Except php doesnt really support xsl. and as this is open source I better think of a better way.


I need to stop talking to myself.

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