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 From:  Mikee  
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I'm in the process of writing a media player application in PHP.


It allows people to connect and see what's playing, then vote to skip the track. has a web front-end and Air front-end. Connects to winamp, itunes or wmp. allows authentication via database, ldap..etc.. and hopefully nice and easily configurable.


I've written most of my classes as singletons, as there'll only ever be one of them. So using a static method you can easily get to that class from anywhere.


The problem i'm having is the output. I can't get my head around how to actually control the output. There will be two different output formats - one is HTML and one XML. The XML needs to be nicely formatted and the HTML needs to read in a template and give the template easy access to the data it needs.


But - what's the best way to do this? Do I let the XmlOutput object or HtmlOutput object directly access the singletons to get the data they need?


Or, do I have each class that could possibly output something inherit an interface which has, for example, GetOutputData()?


Basically, it is better to have my objects push data to the output class, or better to have my output class to pull the data from the objects (remember that they're all singletons)

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 From:  Mikee  
 To:  Mikee     
34068.2 In reply to 34068.1 

Hmm.. possibly something like this:

php code:
class Outputter {
 $sources = array();
 public function RegisterDataSource($datasource){
  if ($datasource typeof IDataSource){
   $sources[] = $datasource;
 public function PullData (){
  for (var $i=0; $i<sizeof($sources); $i++){
<p>interface IDataSource {
SessionManager implements IDataSource
  function PushData($outputter){
PlayerController implements IDataSource
  function PushData($outputter){
Authenticator implements IDataSource
  function PushData($outputter){


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 To:  Mikee     
34068.3 In reply to 34068.1 
In purist terms, you should have a common data class which is exported from the service classes and can be formatted by the Output classes. That way you can add new Outputters or a new service without needing to modify existing code, as long as they use this common intermediate class. Check out loose coupling for more info.

Adjunct: the application I'm working on lets users manipulate the business object graphs themselves for export, custom wizard building, etc. Sometimes the graph is presented in a tree-view, and sometimes in cascading popup menus. But both ways are essentially a tree with nodes, some of which have child nodes. So I'm going to write wrapper classes around TreeView, TreeNode, PopupMenu and MenuItem, which implement common interfaces so I can write a single class to populate both without mucking about. Then when I add a WPF-based UI, I can simply write another wrapper and all the existing code will Just Work™.

Singletons are generally bad, btw. There's a difference between only needing one instance of a class, and needing only one instance of a class.

Dance like it hurts; Love like you need the money; Work when people are watching.
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 From:  Mikee  
34068.4 In reply to 34068.3 

My brain is starting to hurt more.


"There's a difference between only needing one instance of a class, and needing only one instance of a class."




The more I think about what it is I need to do, the more I'm losing concentration and the TV keeps seeming more and more interesting.


I'm starting to question my origional bit of code because I can't think of a situation where I'll need more than one output method.


I shall read your link. ta.

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 From:  Mikee  
 To:  Mikee     
34068.5 In reply to 34068.2 

Hmm. I should've read my own code before I last posted. I KNEW i wasnt going to have more than one data output object, but knew i was going to have more than one data source.


Gah im going insane. Far too many hours coding without a break.

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 From:  Mikee  
34068.6 In reply to 34068.3 
I think im trying to think of a way to reinvent the wheel. So i'm going to have my output classes as wrappers around XmlWriters and Xsl..

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 From:  Mikee  
 To:  Mikee     
34068.7 In reply to 34068.6 

... Except php doesnt really support xsl. and as this is open source I better think of a better way.


I need to stop talking to myself.

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