CodingASP.NET web service


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 From:  Ally  
 To:  ALL

Right. So, at my new job (thanks again for the interview tips, folks) I'm taking a look at an ASP.NET web service that can plug into our Macromedia Contribute Publishing Server.


Basically, whenever people do actions like check in and check out a page it is supposed to interact with the web service, which records what's happening in a log. However, it doesn't.


Now, this is all completely new to me, so I don't even know where to start finding out why. Any ideas where can I find the error/whatever logs for IIS, ASP.NET and whatever else, or what else I should look at?

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 To:  Ally     
32966.2 In reply to 32966.1 
I'm pretty sure IIS logs stuff to the Windows Event Log, which you can access through Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Event Viewer (or WinKey+R, eventvwr).

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 From:  Ben (BENLUMLEY)  
 To:  Ally     
32966.3 In reply to 32966.1 

I can offer no assistance, for I work on/with Line Erks.


But I would like to say that I saw this thread and thought "so ally started his new job then"

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 From:  Rich  
 To:  Ally     
32966.4 In reply to 32966.1 

Set a breakpoint on the public Service class constructor and step through the code when something is checked in.


Make sure your locals and callstack windows are open (Debug > Windows).


I'm happy to help further (as I'm sure Rendle, Kenny et al will be too) if needed.

Rich - e - w - m
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 From:  Ally  
 To:  Rich     
32966.5 In reply to 32966.4 

Cheers. Now that I've been away for the night and come back to it I've got somewhere... and it's a pretty simple mistake.


The ASP.NET development server only allows connections from localhost. I think this is causing the problem, as the publishing server (which is actually on localhost) is getting connection refused errors.


I can copy the service over to a machine with IIS, but then I won't have any access to the debugging stuff, right? Can I get it to log into a file or something?

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 To:  Ally     
32966.6 In reply to 32966.5 
If you want to do this properly, you should use Remote Debugging as described here. It's dead clever.

This is an interim sig.
The changing of this sig in no way implies that Peter Boughton is not a cunt.
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 From:  Ally  
32966.7 In reply to 32966.6 

It looks it.


I'm OK for now, though- I found some error logs that were complaining about access- once I'd changed a few permissions it was all up and running and writing to my test file. Now I just need to do some jiggery pokery and get it to update a database...

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