CodingCitrix ICA Client Remote Launcher


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 From:  Rich  
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Hello Coders and Coderesses!


Has anybody here got any experiencing hacking the Citrix Presentation Server API / Citrix ICA Client Object API?


We're integrating a couple of our apps into a suite, and one of our apps works through a Citrix ICA Client Desktop, the other is a web-based package which we thought we could easily just put a shortcut to within the ICA Client and the users could view the web stuff through their Citrix Desktop's browser. Simple.


But no. Our web-based offering also has bundled CTI (IP telephony) components which needs to interface with the hard-phone at the user's home (we're dealing with home-workers). Easy, I hear you say. Leave them separate and just reduce the "seamless" feel of your suite!


Yes, well that would be fab, only the web-based stuff NEEDS to launch forms from the app that's inside our Citrix desktop. I've had an idea how this is possible but I need to know if anybody has the foggiest how to:


1. Obtain a unique session ID from the ICA client.


2. Launch apps on the Citrix Presentation Server (within the client's desktop session this is - from outside)


We have a HTTP(S) listener on the Citrix PS and we can launch apps with that, just not within the end-user's Citrix Desktop environment.


Any clues? :)

Rich - e - w - m
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 From:  Rich  
 To:  Rich     
32648.2 In reply to 32648.1 
Never mind, I've just embedded the ICA Client object in a webpage and it's all sorted.

Rich - e - w - m
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