CodingBP's skills are dying off


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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Rich     
32571.11 In reply to 32571.10 
ActiveX!?! :? You must think I'm some crazy masochist to suggest that. I'd rather eat custard with a fork.

Why would I want to write Java when I can get its advantages (cross-platform, optimising code, powerful libraries, etc), without the horrible syntax and over-strictness, simply by using CFML?
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 From:  Dave!!   
 To:  Rich     
32571.12 In reply to 32571.10 
Mr. Bunny's Guide to ActiveX begins with the basic building block of all computer software- the pixel. From here it digresses into a classic fantasy adventure story about a cute little talking bunny and a hapless everyman farmer/programmer on an amazing journey to the heart of component-based software. You will actually learn ActiveX by reading out loud to your children at bedtime!

There is simply no better way to learn Java than to have the pineal gland of an expert Java programmer surgically implanted in your brain. Sadly, most HMOs refuse to pay for this career saving procedure, deeming Java to be too experimental. At last there is an alternative treatment for those of us who cannot wait for sweeping health care reforms.

Mr. Bunnys Big Cup O Java is recommended by n out of ten doctors, where n is any integer you wish to make up to impress an astoundingly gullible public. The book begins with an overview of the book, and quickly expands into the book itself. Just look at the topics covered: *Mr. Bunnys rucksack *Farmer Jakes overalls *Java In short, MBBCOJ will teach you all you need to know for a successful career in todays rabbit development environments. "I sincerely hope this book increases the donor pool." --CE3

The Mr. Bunny series is supported, endorsed, and authored by Carlton Egremont III, Esquire, recluse, and all-around weirdo. It is the official place to go when you simply must go someplace official. The books in this series provide no information whatsoever.

Fucking ace! :'D

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Dave!!      
32571.13 In reply to 32571.12 
D'oh. I should click on links. :$
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 From:  Rich  
 To:  Dave!!      
32571.14 In reply to 32571.12 
Funniest books ever written. :)

Rich - e - w - m
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 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
32571.15 In reply to 32571.13 
You're right about ActiveX, though.

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