CodingThesaurus web service?


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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
 To:  spinning_plates     
32452.19 In reply to 32452.18 
Yeah, if that was better implemented (and free) it'd be good. It's too slow and jiggley and limited for me to like it though.
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 From:  spinning_plates  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
32452.20 In reply to 32452.19 

It is pseudo-free as I mention. You don't have to pay as long as you don't want to follow a word more than about 4 drills down. However even if you do, you can get to the 4th stage down and then take the word you're working on and plug it back in again.


I'm also not sure what you mean by "better implemented"?


Plus I wasn't necessarily suggesting you use it for this, but I have found it a useful site in the past and couldn't resist mentioning it.

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
 To:  spinning_plates     
32452.21 In reply to 32452.20 
That's not free, it's just a workaround that lets you avoid paying money.

And I mean that the concept is an interesting one, but the way they've done it is crap - as I said, it's slow, jiggly, and limited; you can't organise the words - they spring back; it's really slow; you can't have multiple webs on the screen at one time; clicking stuff takes too long; it only shows a limited number of synonyms; and did I mention how slow it is?
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