CodingThesaurus web service?


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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  ALL
I want a free web service that will return synonyms for a supplied word.

Found plenty of websites, but nothing that provides a WSDL/SOAP/whatever interface.

Any ideas?
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Message 32452.2 was deleted

 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
32452.3 In reply to 32452.1 
Doubt you'll find owt like that for free. Probably best to write an intermediary script that rips the info from or wherever? Would be pretty simple.

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
32452.4 In reply to 32452.3 
Yeah, but also slower doing that, and might get them being angry at me.

It seems that most places use a downloaded copy of WordNet, which requires converting one of the existing interfaces to something usable.
Was hoping for something I could just drop in. :(
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
32452.5 In reply to 32452.4 
Slower but... 20 mins work. I bet you've spent longer than that looking already. Aye though, depends what it's for. If it's going to get more than a few hundred hits a week then they'd get angry I guess.

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
32452.6 In reply to 32452.5 
I meant slower to do the actual ripping - having to traverse the pages and regex the results and remove the duplicates because the damned thing groups stuff.

No idea how many hits at the moment - has potential to turn into a big thing, but it likely wont.
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
32452.7 In reply to 32452.6 
Hmmm, shouldn't be too slow in that way. I mean, a touch slower than a local database obviously but not prohibitively so, so long as's running owreet. But... yeah, hassle. What's wordnet?

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
32452.8 In reply to 32452.7 
WordNet® is a large lexical database of English, developed under the direction of George A. Miller.

I downloaded the files but they're not in as straight-forward a format as I'd have liked, so I threw together a quick ripper and it actually aint that bad - seven regexes plus a duplicate remover and it averages fifteen milliseconds to bring back an array of results, which is fine.
Would be nice to cut down the 1.5 seconds to download the data though - means the page takes three seconds to load. :(
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
32452.9 In reply to 32452.8 
Does the wordnet thing include synonyms and that? I should look really. Looks fun to play with does that.

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
32452.10 In reply to 32452.9 

Dunno if you use OpenOffice, but that apparently uses WordNet for it's dic/thesaurus stuff.
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
32452.11 In reply to 32452.10 
What format is it in? I'm not just being lazy, I am downloading it but 17mb is an hour for me.

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
32452.12 In reply to 32452.11 
An ASCII DB thingy - here's a bit of the adjective data file:
00001740 00 a 01 able 0 005 = 05200169 n 0000 = 05616246 n 0000 + 05616246 n 0101 + 05200169 n 0101 ! 00002098 a 0101 | (usually followed by `to') having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something; "able to swim"; "she was able to program her computer"; "we were at last able to buy a car"; "able to get a grant for the project"  
00002098 00 a 01 unable 0 002 = 05200169 n 0000 ! 00001740 a 0101 | (usually followed by `to') not having the necessary means or skill or know-how; "unable to get to town without a car"; "unable to obtain funds"  
00002312 00 a 02 abaxial 0 dorsal 4 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 00002527 a 0101 | facing away from the axis of an organ or organism; "the abaxial surface of a leaf is the underside or side facing away from the stem"  
00002527 00 a 02 adaxial 0 ventral 4 002 ;c 06037666 n 0000 ! 00002312 a 0101 | nearest to or facing toward the axis of an organ or organism; "the upper side of a leaf is known as the adaxial surface"  
00002730 00 a 01 acroscopic 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 00002843 a 0101 | facing or on the side toward the apex  
00002843 00 a 01 basiscopic 0 002 ;c 06066555 n 0000 ! 00002730 a 0101 | facing or on the side toward the base  
00002956 00 a 02 abducent 0 abducting 0 002 ;c 06080522 n 0000 ! 00003131 a 0101 | especially of muscles; drawing away from the midline of the body or from an adjacent part  
00003131 00 a 03 adducent 0 adductive 0 adducting 0 003 ;c 06080522 n 0000 + 01449236 v 0201 ! 00002956 a 0101 | especially of muscles; bringing together or drawing toward the midline of the body or toward an adjacent part  
00003356 00 a 01 nascent 0 005 + 07320302 n 0103 ! 00003939 a 0101 & 00003553 a 0000 & 00003700 a 0000 & 00003829 a 0000 |  being born or beginning; "the nascent chicks"; "a nascent insurgency"   
00003553 00 s 02 emergent 0 emerging 0 003 & 00003356 a 0000 + 02625016 v 0102 + 00050693 n 0101 | coming into existence; "an emergent republic"  
00003700 00 s 01 dissilient 0 002 & 00003356 a 0000 + 07434782 n 0101 | bursting open with force, as do some ripe seed vessels  
00003829 00 s 01 parturient 0 002 & 00003356 a 0000 + 14048441 n 0101 | giving birth; "a parturient heifer"  
00003939 00 a 01 dying 0 003 ! 00003356 a 0101 & 00004171 a 0000 & 00004296 a 0000 | in or associated with the process of passing from life or ceasing to be; "a dying man"; "his dying wish"; "a dying fire"; "a dying civilization"  
00004171 00 s 01 moribund 0 001 & 00003939 a 0000 | being on the point of death; breathing your last; "a moribund patient"
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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
32452.13 In reply to 32452.12 
Cool. I will have fun SQLing the fuck out of it.

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
32452.14 In reply to 32452.13 

I think there's already some SQL versions actually - I remember seeing mention of MySQL on one of the pages somewhere anyway.


Yup, here you go:

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 From:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
32452.15 In reply to 32452.14 
Oooh, thanks (hug)

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 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
32452.16 In reply to 32452.8 
Would be nice to cut down the 1.5 seconds to download the data though - means the page takes three seconds to load.

Just slap an animated gif on with a little spinny thing and then they will know that they're meant to wait. You could even have it say "Stealing content from"

My heart has been recently broken.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
32452.17 In reply to 32452.16 
You could even have it say "Stealing content from"


Unfortunately it's as much for my own use at the moment, so I'd prefer to get it faster if I can.
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 From:  spinning_plates  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
32452.18 In reply to 32452.1 
Not exactly useful to this thread, I don't suppose, but I very much like and if you're crafty you can keep using it even though it's jut a demo I seem to remember.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  spinning_plates     
32452.19 In reply to 32452.18 
Yeah, if that was better implemented (and free) it'd be good. It's too slow and jiggley and limited for me to like it though.
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 From:  spinning_plates  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
32452.20 In reply to 32452.19 

It is pseudo-free as I mention. You don't have to pay as long as you don't want to follow a word more than about 4 drills down. However even if you do, you can get to the 4th stage down and then take the word you're working on and plug it back in again.


I'm also not sure what you mean by "better implemented"?


Plus I wasn't necessarily suggesting you use it for this, but I have found it a useful site in the past and couldn't resist mentioning it.

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