Codingphp - stroftime returns -1


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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
32290.11 In reply to 32290.9 
But if that's it then that's some fucking bullshit and you should complain.

It is and I did for a bit, but I think they got a bit miffednonplussed at me.

surely there's a query you can use to get the date out as you want it if it's stored as a date object thing?

Possibly. It was just a SELECT * though.

quote: Matt
Is there a specific reason why you can't upgrade PHP? I've just tested the code on PHP 5 here on Windows and it works fine.

This is for a project which will be demoed, so they're using phpDev as a portable server type thingy, and that doesn't have a version with PHP 5.

If it's the easy PHP installation you're after, it's not all that hard to create your own set up routine for Apache and PHP.

Because it's a project that would have to be justified and explained and stuff - easier for them to say "I used this ready-made tool thing" or
whatever (especially since the deadline is in about 36 hours time.)

The software side of things doesn't have to work perfectly - since they can discuss anything that doesn't work in their writeup, so it's easier to just do that then worry too much about getting it working.
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 From:  milko  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
32290.12 In reply to 32290.11 
I'm not sure they're nonplussed!

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Message 32290.13 was deleted

 From:  Rich  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
32290.14 In reply to 32290.11 

why not make your own timestamp?


like [year][month][day][hour][minute][second][millisecond?]




for 12:15:35.00 AM on 26th April, 2007.


Granted, it would require twice the storage of a unix timestamp in an INT, but it's even more flexible.


i.e. it would work :).

Rich - e - w - m
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