Codingphp - stroftime returns -1


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 From:  Matt  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
32290.10 In reply to 32290.8 

Is there a specific reason why you can't upgrade PHP? I've just tested the code on PHP 5 here on Windows and it works fine.


If it's the easy PHP installation you're after, it's not all that hard to create your own set up routine for Apache and PHP.


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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
 To:  Drew (X3N0PH0N)     
32290.11 In reply to 32290.9 
But if that's it then that's some fucking bullshit and you should complain.

It is and I did for a bit, but I think they got a bit miffednonplussed at me.

surely there's a query you can use to get the date out as you want it if it's stored as a date object thing?

Possibly. It was just a SELECT * though.

quote: Matt
Is there a specific reason why you can't upgrade PHP? I've just tested the code on PHP 5 here on Windows and it works fine.

This is for a project which will be demoed, so they're using phpDev as a portable server type thingy, and that doesn't have a version with PHP 5.

If it's the easy PHP installation you're after, it's not all that hard to create your own set up routine for Apache and PHP.

Because it's a project that would have to be justified and explained and stuff - easier for them to say "I used this ready-made tool thing" or
whatever (especially since the deadline is in about 36 hours time.)

The software side of things doesn't have to work perfectly - since they can discuss anything that doesn't work in their writeup, so it's easier to just do that then worry too much about getting it working.
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 From:  milko  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
32290.12 In reply to 32290.11 
I'm not sure they're nonplussed!

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Message 32290.13 was deleted

 From:  Rich  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
32290.14 In reply to 32290.11 

why not make your own timestamp?


like [year][month][day][hour][minute][second][millisecond?]




for 12:15:35.00 AM on 26th April, 2007.


Granted, it would require twice the storage of a unix timestamp in an INT, but it's even more flexible.


i.e. it would work :).

Rich - e - w - m
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