CodingMini-projects needed


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 From:  Rowan  
 To:  ALL

Hello, all.


I'm currently at the much-loved 'evaluation' stage of my dissertation. As my dissertation concerns automatically generated sequence diagrams to aid Java developers, my user study needs some (three, in fact) mini-projects for my test subjects to debug.


So, what have people been doing lately, what cool things have people seen, what do they think might be good?


I'm basically just canvassing for as many ideas as possible to give me some starting points, as I'm finding it hard to pick suitable example programs out of the air.


Ideally, they should have a few classes (5+) which interact quite heavily. This might mean I code them badly, but, then, that's sort of the point, so that's fine.


So, uh, yes, anything and everything goes. Suggestions?

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Message 31964.2 was deleted

 From:  andy  
 To:  Rowan     
31964.3 In reply to 31964.1 
err in my "introduction to computer programming" module i had to write an interpreter for a simple home-brew programming language - 5 or 6 classes and 1000-2000 lines of code - any good?
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 From:  Ben (BENLUMLEY)  
 To:  Rowan     
31964.4 In reply to 31964.1 
i made the internet .... guessing its too big for your needs, but there might be some small parts of it of a useful size in there?
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 From:  Rowan  
 To:  Ben (BENLUMLEY)     
31964.5 In reply to 31964.4 
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