GeneralI Need To Live In the USA! Problem!


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 From:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)   
31892.26 In reply to 31892.25 

I agree, I spend much time driving around london for my job.
Getting stuck in traffic aint a problem if you are listening to an audiobook.


My archos has a bookmark feature for audio or video files.
Works a treat.


If anybody is interested in Audiobooks or The Teaching Company Lectures
I have a vast collection, even more extensive than my stupid ringtones collectioni.


Currently just finished the 2nd Eragon book, have to say i'm extreamly impressed with the story, aint seen the film yet but the unabridge audiobook kinda makes me not want to.

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 From:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)   
 To:  Manthorp     
31892.27 In reply to 31892.22 

I agree I also aint finished an ebook on my pdas.


However the screen on this is very very very easy to read, it genuinely looks like paper, the words look like they have been printed, it really is that good.


Also fantastic to be able to carry it around with me where ever I go. It's about the height of a paperback book but is much much thiner about 1cm thick.


Ultra portable.


Next london meat if you come along I will bring it with and you can pass judgement

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 From:  sinkywinky  
 To:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)      
31892.28 In reply to 31892.27 
I've read about 100 on my pda. Paper is so old fashioned. And I can't jimlad paper books from the internets.
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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)      
31892.29 In reply to 31892.27 
I agree with Rendlibobs about audiobooks. I'd certainly like to see an e-book thang in the flesh.

"The Iraqi regime possesses biological and chemical weapons."

George W Bush, 28 Sept 2002

"I can say with certainty that the Quds Force, a part of the Iranian government, has provided these sophisticated I.E.D.s."

George W Bush, 14 Feb 2007

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 From:  Izziwizzi (JAMES)  
 To:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)      
31892.30 In reply to 31892.26 

Me has just finished that book also and whilst I am enjoying the series it's very, very cliched and utterly predictable.
I have not seen the film either, but from the looks of the film photos that were in the middle of the tie-in paperback release I read it looks wank!

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 From:  Dazz  
 To:  Izziwizzi (JAMES)     
31892.31 In reply to 31892.30 
My Garmin GPS does audiobooks. And MP3s. And hands-free. I love it. More than my kids.

Dazztopia - where eagles dare to burrow!
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 From:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)   
 To:  Dazz     
31892.32 In reply to 31892.31 

Does it have bookmark feature?


Clever Smart NaV

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 From:  Dazz  
 To:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)      
31892.33 In reply to 31892.32 
Yep - bookmarks 'n everything. I have 2 free book downloads. Any suggestions?

Dazztopia - where eagles dare to burrow!
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 From:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)   
 To:  Dazz     
31892.34 In reply to 31892.33 

Yeah which model sat nav is it?


Would love to get my mum one.


Harry Potter is great escapism, if you are remotely a fan.
Micheal Crichton is easy to get hold of and his stuff is normally well researcha dn thought prevoking.

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 From:  Dazz  
 To:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)      
31892.35 In reply to 31892.34 
This is the pup I have. The selling points of the higher specced ones are full European maps, text to speech and wide screen. I don't need text to speech, 'cause I can read and I don't need a computerised version of Irish placenames (shudder). I'm also quite good at reading the various accents in foreign lasnguages so the spelling of translations is enough for me. The other upgrade is the wide-screen version which takes the portability away.

As for the maps, I'm going to buy the European map DVD for less than the cost difference between the 310 and 360 and I've also found out how to and managed to upgrade the base map (which has the major roads/highways) from the standard European version to the world version for free! So me's happy.

The books are from so tracking them down is not the problem. Just choosing.

Dazztopia - where eagles dare to burrow!
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 From:  Dazz  
 To:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)      
31892.36 In reply to 31892.34 

Oh, and the hands-free phone aspect is fantastic. You can make calls/send texts and it gets all the info from your phone from incoming calls/texts to contacts to call/text history to signal strength to battery life remaining - anything you can do on your phone you can do from the screen. When I'm in the car I just turn on bluetooth on my phone, leave it in my pocket and forget about it - the Garmin becomes my phone.


So far it's my favourite gadget ever, and I've had a few, begorrah.

Dazztopia - where eagles dare to burrow!
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 From:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)   
 To:  Dazz     
31892.37 In reply to 31892.35 

Do the books have to come from Audible?


Can you set bookmarks with normal mp3 files?
Most of my audiobooks are in that format, not from audible

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 From:  Izziwizzi (JAMES)  
 To:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)      
31892.38 In reply to 31892.37 
Well, I just torrented and watched Eragon and I was right, it's pants. Lots of changes from the book too.

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 From:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)   
 To:  Izziwizzi (JAMES)     
31892.39 In reply to 31892.38 

I've resisted the urge to do that.


Mainly because I think it will be pants and two
as the DVD aint out yet I assume that all torrents will be cinema copies and therefore poor quality

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 From:  Ben (BENLUMLEY)  
 To:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)      
31892.40 In reply to 31892.39 
its film award season though, which means there will be those dvd copies that say "for your consideration" all over them.
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 From:  Izziwizzi (JAMES)  
 To:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)      
31892.41 In reply to 31892.39 
DVD Screener, added a few days ago, perfect quality, but yes, it's poop.

If you care...

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 From:  spinning_plates  
 To:  ALL

is what I use for my ebooks and I find it works very well!
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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  spinning_plates     
31892.43 In reply to 31892.42 
You will be blind* by the age of twelve.

*Had this been No Backspace Friday that would have read 'You will be bling...' and who knows, maybe you will, at that.

"The Iraqi regime possesses biological and chemical weapons."

George W Bush, 28 Sept 2002

"I can say with certainty that the Quds Force, a part of the Iranian government, has provided these sophisticated I.E.D.s."

George W Bush, 14 Feb 2007

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 From:  spinning_plates  
 To:  Manthorp     
31892.44 In reply to 31892.43 

Actually my eyesight is pretty ace. I find the Palm easier to read than a book - the lighting is never a problem - can read in bed without a light on or in the metro with everyone crowded round me (unlike the assholes who unfold a paper in your face). I can carry loads of book, just the same as a true ebook reader, but I can also do loads of other stuff with it and best of all it's not made by Sony, so it doesn't use proprietary crap.


I probably mentioned before, but I got a Sony "MP3" player for my 18th birthday (this would be 5½ years ago) that wouldn't actually play MP3s, only ATRAC3S. I hardly used the thing and sold it on eBay. Damn Sony.

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 From:  Dr Nick (FOZZA)   
 To:  spinning_plates     
31892.45 In reply to 31892.44 
Normally I would agree with the no sony shout.

But I have to say that the problems I had with pda reading were

  • Battery (forget to charge it overnight and you're buggered half way through the next day)
  • Glare, sometimes in daylight really difficult to read.
  • Small screen (it is a small screen!)
  • Eye strain, (less so on my older trusty IIIxe my first pda)
  • even with cleartype of clearview of what ever still hurt my eyes after a long session resulting in headaches.

Doing otherthing? Well my windows mobile 5 smartphone does everything my old pda did so I have that with me anyway.

I love my eletronic paper and really do thing it is a step (maybe not the "leap" I was hoping for) forward in mobile reading.

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