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 From:  Username   
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
31518.12 In reply to 31518.11 

you know I could never hate you - fact
you are like tin man with a brain and no heart
you have no street sence or bad bones


you are the replyer who keeps on replying


dave was/is the numpty who keeps on trolling the troll


i will allow you to like green day

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Username      
31518.13 In reply to 31518.12 
Is that a red day song?
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 From:  Username   
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
31518.14 In reply to 31518.13 
red letter day
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 From:  spinning_plates  
 To:  Username      
31518.15 In reply to 31518.1 
OMFG some minors may have heard the word "fuck" in the context of the US. Bet they've never heard that before! The end of the world is nigh!

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