CodingJava 1.5->1.4 converter


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 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  Rowan      
31441.2 In reply to 31441.1 

Don't think there is such a thing. I reckon your best shot is to try compiling and running the thing in Jave 1.4 and to fix the bugs. There's not likely to be tons I wouldn't have thought, although it depends on how you've written it and how many 1.5 specific features you've used. Regarding garbage collection and whatnot, I don't think there's any difference, it's generally just if you've used any specific Java 1.5 features.


GUIs will look a bit different when running under the 1.4 JRE as it doesn't support as much graphical niceness in XP and such, but there's not much you can do about that.


"Programming is like sex, one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life." - Michael Sinz
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 From:  Rowan   
 To:  Dave!!     
31441.3 In reply to 31441.2 

I don't actually want to run it, oddly enough, which is why any reasonably large 1.4 codebase will do.


There's no use of the more advanced 1.5 language constructs, but manually removing all the use of Generics for collections and inserting all the necessary casts as well as re-writing all the for loops would be way too much work to bother with.


I wasn't sure there'd be such a thing either, but the chap supervising my dissertation seemed to think there would be.

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 From:  sinkywinky  
 To:  Rowan      
31441.4 In reply to 31441.1 
Azureus must be pretty large. You should be able to check pre-1.5 code out of cvs.
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 From:  Rowan   
 To:  sinkywinky     
31441.5 In reply to 31441.4 
Yeah, good suggestion, but I suddenly realised that the compiler I'm hacking about is actually 1.4 (which is why it doesn't compile 1.5 code). So I'm just using that, as it's reasonably huge.
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