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 From:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)  
 To:  Jo (JELLS)      
31267.15 In reply to 31267.14 
It could be the %X at the end of the config statement - I don't know anything about the syntax, but it just looks wrong.

The Wisdom of YouTube comments:
Bright Eyes - When The President Talks To God
Not bad. I thought this song might be anti-God, but it seems more to be against the president, which is cool by me.
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 From:  Jo (JELLS)   
 To:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)     
31267.16 In reply to 31267.15 



I'd not put the %X inside the quote marks - did that, tried again and it works properly!

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 From:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)  
 To:  Jo (JELLS)      
31267.17 In reply to 31267.16 




The Wisdom of YouTube comments:
Bright Eyes - When The President Talks To God
Not bad. I thought this song might be anti-God, but it seems more to be against the president, which is cool by me.
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