CodingEmail contact forms


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 From:  Jo (JELLS)  
 To:  ALL
My office's website has "Email us!" links all over the place which lead to the Information officer getting loads and loads of spam since she's the person who oversees that general email account.

We'd like to replace the links with a contact form. The problem is, i don't think we can use any scripts. The webspace that hosts our site doesn't have a CGI-bin folder. I can't upload any .exe files - hell, i can't even upload an .htaccess file. Javascript might work, but i'd rather not go that route.

Is there anything that can be done purely with HTML, because that's pretty much all i can use given that i have no control over the space/servers - all i can do is upload to it?

Thank you.
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 From:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)  
 To:  Jo (JELLS)     
31245.2 In reply to 31245.1 
The short answer is no, the slightly longer answer is that you can put a mailto link in the action tag of the form, but it's a really rubbish way of doing it. I'd say pester whoever you need to pester to get the server-side email thing set up - it's a fairly standard web-hosting thing, so I imagine it's buried away somewhere in your hosting package.

The Wisdom of YouTube comments:
Bright Eyes - When The President Talks To God
Not bad. I thought this song might be anti-God, but it seems more to be against the president, which is cool by me.
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  Jo (JELLS)     
31245.3 In reply to 31245.1 
There are really basic PHP scripts available to do that.

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 From:  Jo (JELLS)  
 To:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)     
31245.4 In reply to 31245.2 

We don't have a hosting package. The site is hosted on the main webspace of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Tokyo. All we have access to is our little subdomain. We can't even use a proper FTP client to upload - we have to use this totally retarded set up which apparently won't work with IE7. At least, not in our office. We've been in contact with their "tech" people trying to get that sorted and i'm not too impressed with how that's going so trying to argue the case for getting access to other stuff (like SSI) doesn't appeal. Mostly because i first have to explain it in English to a diplomat who knows nothing about this stuff and has no idea what i'm talking about and have them relay the request in Japanese.


Not fun.

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 From:  Jo (JELLS)  
 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
31245.5 In reply to 31245.3 
I don't know if the site would support that, but i'd look into it. Do you have links?
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  Jo (JELLS)     
31245.6 In reply to 31245.5 
Sorry, no, but I remember when I looked into it there were lots and lots of free examples everywhere.

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Jo (JELLS)     
31245.7 In reply to 31245.5 
PHP has a mail() function, which can send e-mail. If the server is correctly setup.

To check if things are working, try this:
PHP code:

And then go here to learn more about it:
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 From:  Jo (JELLS)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
31245.8 In reply to 31245.7 
To check if things are working, try this:

OK... but what do i do? Just stick the bit in parenthesis in an HTML document or something? I really don' t know anything about PHP and checking out that page you linked to really didn't clarify anything. Can that be use as a form or something?
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Jo (JELLS)     
31245.9 In reply to 31245.8 
Try saving this:
PHP code:
echo "php is active";

in a something.php file, putting it on the server, and seeing what happens when you run it in the browser.

A form would work simply by sending the values to an action page, which would be a PHP script, but there's not much point explaining that without knowing if PHP actually works. :)
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 From:  Jo (JELLS)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
31245.10 In reply to 31245.9 
Ta... i'll try that and let you know what happens - which will be in about an hour as i'm not at my desk at the moment.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Jo (JELLS)     
31245.11 In reply to 31245.10 
No problem. I'll probably still be here in an hour, since I'm waiting for several slow downloads to complete. :(
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 From:  Jo (JELLS)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
31245.12 In reply to 31245.9 
I'm sort of assuming that i'm supposed to make "echo" a link by adding <a href="...." to that sample bit of code, right?
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 From:  Serg (NUKKLEAR)  
 To:  Jo (JELLS)     
31245.13 In reply to 31245.12 
Nope, just type it in exactly as Pete said, and save it as "test.php" or something.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Jo (JELLS)     
31245.14 In reply to 31245.12 
Nope. Echo is a simple PHP command that says "interpet and display this code".
So echo 5+3; will output 7, and echo saySomething('funny'); would return the results of a function called saySomething (if one existed).
In this case it's just returning a string.

Short important bit:
If you see just the text php is active, that's good.
If you see nothing, or you see the whole echo "php is active"; - that's bad.
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 From:  Serg (NUKKLEAR)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
31245.15 In reply to 31245.14 
Hah! (though yours is far more complete)
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 From:  Jo (JELLS)  
 To:  ALL

Right... i'm thinking the server doesn't support php:

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 From:  Jo (JELLS)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
31245.17 In reply to 31245.14 
Ok, so i can't use php either...

What about a remotely hosted CGI script such as the one offered here?

I know there are others, but that one says it doesn't require any ads on the site, which is good.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Jo (JELLS)     
31245.18 In reply to 31245.17 
Hmmm, not sure how I'd feel about a compnay that used a third-party CGI service in this day and age, but it does appear to be your only option.

Well, aside from telling the translator to say "stop being fuckwits and give us full server access".
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 From:  Jo (JELLS)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
31245.19 In reply to 31245.18 

I can understand why they do it this way - if other missions are like our office, the people in charge of the websites are totally clueless. I'm the most knowledgeable person in our office when it comes to this stuff, and that's not saying much! Prior to me being handed this stuff, it was the JET programme coordinator who took care of teh website and i use that phrase loosely. They were never hired because they knew anything about websites - they were only informed after being hired that they had to also do the website.


So yeah, the ministry is probably right to severely limit what can be uploaded. The irony is that every year they ask us to provide stats about how the site is used - we can't generate any of those reports! Their own tech people could, however...

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Jo (JELLS)     
31245.20 In reply to 31245.19 
Then convince them to hire someone who knows what they're doing to work there.

Infact, get them to pay me $110k a year and I'll do it. :)
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