GeneralAre you in debt?


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 From:  Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)  
 To:  Radio      
31210.3 In reply to 31210.1 
I'm mostly in the black excluding the mortgage, although things are getting interesting as I wait for my first wage packet from my new job. It really doesn't help that my credit card's been stopped due to fraud worries and I'm still waiting for a new one to be sent. Meh.

The Wisdom of YouTube comments:
Bright Eyes - When The President Talks To God
Not bad. I thought this song might be anti-God, but it seems more to be against the president, which is cool by me.
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Message 31210.4 was deleted

 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  Radio      
31210.5 In reply to 31210.1 
I voted student loan only. Technically I do have a few bits on my credit card, but I also have enough money in my account to pay off the credit card once the bill arrives. Other than that, no overdraft and I have a savings account with about 3 grand (future mortgage money) in it which is steadily increasing.

And the Lord said unto John; Come forth and receive eternal life. But John came fifth and won a toaster instead.
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 From:  milko  
 To:  Radio      
31210.6 In reply to 31210.1 
Until this mortgage housebuying stuff goes through, I'm basically loaded. Hoorah! No student loan left, minimal credit card, nuffin' else.

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 From:  steve  
 To:  Radio      
31210.7 In reply to 31210.1 
I have student loan and overdraft, but no credit cards ( THUS I WAS NOT REPRESENTED :C ).

I have a £1400 interest-free (and for a two years after I finish) overdraft, which I am about £1000 into. But I know that once my loan come through it wipes that, so it's not something I worry about much. I'm slowly paying off (in terms that; I'm less in debt every quarter) some expensive equipment I had to buy at the beginning of my first year!

It's not that much fun, but I'm not getting bills.etc, and I'm on top of it in that I don't spend pointlessly. My only real expenditure is: alcohol, film, paint, and paper. Like a real art student :{) And an airbrush last night ^_^

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 From:  MrTrent  
 To:  Radio      
31210.8 In reply to 31210.1 
Student loan and overdraft. I've been strong enough to resist getting a credit card, thank fuck.

MrTrent To be someone must be a wonderful thing.

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 From:  Bryan (TWISTER)  
 To:  ALL
Up to my eyeballs in it! No as bad as an awful lot of others though.

About £6500 ish.

Having just been made redundant I have had to start dealing with the CCCS, which is keeping the wolves from the door.

My credit rating is pooh because of a mis-sold insurance policy that refused to pay out on my redundancy from a job back in 2001. So no one will give me credit anyway. Which probably ain't a bad thing cuz I'm crap with money.

At the moment it's a case of surviving not living.


Ex puter tooters tooter and ex puter tooters student
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 From:  Radio   
 To:  steve     
31210.10 In reply to 31210.7 
I have student loan and overdraft, but no credit cards ( THUS I WAS NOT REPRESENTED :C ).

Meh, an interest free student overdraft is counted as a student loan for the purposes of this poll ;-)

So, so far it seems that most people are in 'sensible' debt, i.e. investment type debt rather than everyone borrowing on their credit card to the limit in order to buy flat screen TV's and the like.
Sort of what I expected given the forum population, but I do wonder how many people there are like that about.

And a narrowboat? I have to admit, that's an idea I've never had!

Personally I'm always 'in debt' on my credit card, but never pay any interest on that as I pay it off in full every month - I use it instead of cash all the time as its easier, and doesn't cost me anything. I have a mortgage of just over 100k (well, a shared mortgage) but I've managed to clear my student loan (April this year) and apart from a short-lived car loan a few years back I've not really borrowed any other money.

I've got some saving in my ISA that will be almost wiped out by my dental bills early next year, but fortuantely am still managing to save a fair bit each month.
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 From:  Voltane  
 To:  Radio      
31210.11 In reply to 31210.10 

I'm probably the worst one here.


If debt is a pool i'm 6 miles underwater.


My debts include loans (bank and student), credit cards (still paying off despite not having used one in nearly 2 years), and overdraft.


Even if I put every penny I earnt into paying off my debts it would take me over 4 years to pay it off.

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 To:  Voltane     
31210.12 In reply to 31210.11 
I'm probably the worst one here.

I would dispute that claim.

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 From:  Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)  
 To:  Radio      
31210.13 In reply to 31210.2 

Well I have a mortgage and a car loan, I dont have any creditcards (they are the root of all money evils) and a few items that I am paying back monthly (really should sort them out as well)


Still I have lots of money left to buy nice things for wifey and keeps me drunk most weekends.


I do wish there was a quick and easy way of paying off the car loan without resorting to robbery or selling the car.


Perhaps we have some local animal pervs I can pimp out teh cat.

Web Shite Mail Me

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 From:  ian  
 To:  Radio      
31210.14 In reply to 31210.1 
Just the Student Loan. I do have £179.92 owed on my Credit Card, but by coincidence (if that's what it is) I am just about to pay that off now via the wonders of online banking. Oh, and I owe my mate 20 quid.

It does amaze me how some people get into debt. I know some people can't help it or whatever but others just seem irresponsible to me. One of my brothers friends just took out a big loan for some seemingly unnecessary new car, and a recent[ish] discussion with a friend of mine about her debts and how she still keeps buying things left me quite shocked!

ian gunn
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 From:  Bryan (TWISTER)  
 To:  ian     
31210.15 In reply to 31210.14 
But these days it's rammed down your throat.

Have a credit have another...

Now have a store card...oh what the hell have another one.

Spend spend spend.

You need a lot of will power to NOT get these. It's all to easy.

People get in debt upto their eyeballs. By comparison I'm not in that much debt, but still more than enough for me.

Now the government have introduced these IVA things and people can write off a lot of what they owe. The retailer or whatever now loses out and charges and interest go up for everybody else to compensate.

I am at least attempting to clear my debts.


Ex puter tooters tooter and ex puter tooters student
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 From:  Radio   
 To:  Bryan (TWISTER)     
31210.16 In reply to 31210.15 

That's the one thing that amazes me, that people can have a good portion of their debt written off, yet seemingly not have to give back the items that they bought while accruing that debt.
Its similar to benefit cheats who con the government out of thousands, then cry poor when caught and end up agreeing to pay it all back, but at something stupid like 20p a week, with no interest incurred.

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 From:  Bryan (TWISTER)  
 To:  Radio      
31210.17 In reply to 31210.16 
An advert just been on the TV.

"Write off what you can't afford".

It seems almost like theft.

Buy stuff, can't afford to pay for it. Ah what the hell write it off.

I know it ain't quite that simple, but it feels like it.


Ex puter tooters tooter and ex puter tooters student
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 From:  ian  
 To:  Bryan (TWISTER)     
31210.18 In reply to 31210.15 
You need a lot of will power to NOT get these. It's all to easy.

It's this lack of willpower that I find disturbing. It it really all that hard to say "no" if it's something you don't need?! I mean a nice new flowery dress would be nice, but if I can't afford it I'll just go without. I can't imagine being otherwise.

As a side note Capital One were sending me credit card offers at a rate of about one a week. Rather than relenting at the onslaught and signing up I sent a letter to them (in their own pre-paid envelope or course) asking them to stop. They sent me a letter back saying that they would. Time will tell!

ian gunn
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 From:  Bryan (TWISTER)  
 To:  ian     
31210.19 In reply to 31210.18 
Capital One. pffffft.

As I noted earlier I was mis-sold an insurance policy by C1 against redundancy.

Made redundant - insurance refused to pay.

Debt went bad.

C1 still kept sending me application forms. I mean durrr.


Ex puter tooters tooter and ex puter tooters student
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 From:  Bryan (TWISTER)  
 To:  ian     
31210.20 In reply to 31210.18 
As for will power.

The media has a lot to answer for.

"You simply must have this darling or you are a social outcast."

People get suckered in and the spiral begins.


Ex puter tooters tooter and ex puter tooters student
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 From:  milko  
 To:  Bryan (TWISTER)     
31210.21 In reply to 31210.19 
Do you mind me asking how it was mis-sold/refused to pay?

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 From:  ian  
 To:  Bryan (TWISTER)     
31210.22 In reply to 31210.20 
This is why I hate people. So many of them are such fucking idiots.

ian gunn
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