CodingCF -> PHP


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 From:  -Daz-  
 To:  andy      
30894.2 In reply to 30894.1 
For a second there I thought Peter had realised the error of his ways.

From some publishing journal I read recently: "If you can't properly credit the source of a quote, then you should refrain from using it at all."
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  -Daz-     
30894.3 In reply to 30894.2 
No such luck. I was actually expecting your reply to be Peter asking why he wasn't just using CF.

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  andy      
30894.4 In reply to 30894.1 

The Url scope is basically query string stuff, which is $_GET['...'].
$_POST['...'] is Form scope.


And yes, you could use standard if / else if, but it would be so much better as a switch/case statement for the main one, and without the other IsDefined ifs because none of them should be there.

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