CodingNeed help re: IE layout issues


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 From:  Jo (JELLS)  
 To:  ALL

A friend of mine emailed me today to ask me for help. It had been brought to her attention that her blog layout breaks completely in IE (which she never uses so had no idea). I ran the URL thru the HTML validator and it found 294 errors, which can't be a good thing. I've had a look myself, but nothing stands out (and i'm not that good at this stuff anyway myself).


Would anyone here mind having a look and seeing if they can easily enough identify what the main problem is? Just so that it stops going insane in IE.


Many thanks in advance if anyone can help.

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 From:  Sulkpot  
 To:  Jo (JELLS)     
30811.2 In reply to 30811.1 

Looks like a CSS problem. Mind you, the page could validate perfectly and IE would still chew it up, so unless there's a known workaround for whatever IE spafe is causing the text to grow incrementally, the problem could be unfixable.


Anyway, I'd start off by looking at the font sizing for a relative value that's being hiked up by bad nesting of divs or something.

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 From:  Jo (JELLS)  
 To:  Sulkpot     
30811.3 In reply to 30811.2 
Mind you, the page could validate perfectly and IE would still chew it up,

Tell me about it! Nothing more frustrating than having everything validate perfectly, and IE can't render it properly.

I'll pass along the info and have a closer look myself - i wasn't even certain where to start looking.

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 From:  steve  
 To:  Jo (JELLS)     
30811.4 In reply to 30811.1 
At a guess; she has stuff like "font-size: 130%" and so on. I could imagine that something is array and each subsequent declaration of that is increasing the font by 130%.

Can she not use em?

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 From:  Jo (JELLS)  
 To:  steve     
30811.5 In reply to 30811.4 
Can she not use em?

I don't know - i really don't know how much HTML/CSS knowledge she has. I will pass that along as well.

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 From:  steve  
 To:  Jo (JELLS)     
30811.6 In reply to 30811.5 
Just had a play. By replacing all of her percentage and em font sizes with px (120% and 1.2em changed to 14px) - the fontsize stays the same all the way down the page.

It's obviously not good using px, as the user can't increase font-size, but there's probably something up (unclosed tags or something) that's causing it.

EM is (afaik) worked out from it's parent object. And so on. So lots of 1.2ems in each other will make the final object very big indeed

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 From:  Jo (JELLS)  
 To:  steve     
30811.7 In reply to 30811.6 
Ta! Have emailed that info along to her.

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 From:  JonCooper  
 To:  Jo (JELLS)     
30811.8 In reply to 30811.7 
was going to say the same as Steve, the value I found was 110% though so she may need to check all the font sizes rather than just look for one odd size

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 From:  Jo (JELLS)  
 To:  JonCooper     
30811.9 In reply to 30811.8 
Ta muchly.

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