CodingIE weirdness - help meee


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 From:  andy  
 To:  Ally      
30584.14 In reply to 30584.13 
This seems to work fine, and with no recursion:

js code:
var t = new Array();
function fireloading() {
	image_url[0] = "images/bottom.en/welcome_off.png";
	image_url[1] = "images/bottom.en/events_off.png";
	image_url[2] = "images/bottom.en/photos_off.png";
	image_url[3] = "images/bottom.en/win_off.png";
	image_url[4] = "images/bottom.en/touch_off.png";
	image_url[5] = "images/bottom/options_off.png";
	image_url[6] = "images/bottom.en/welcome_on.png";
	image_url[7] = "images/bottom.en/events_on.png";
	image_url[8] = "images/bottom.en/photos_on.png";
	image_url[9] = "images/bottom.en/win_on.png";
	image_url[10] = "images/bottom.en/touch_on.png";
	image_url[11] = "images/bottom/options_on.png";
	image_url[12] = "images/bottom/alternate1.png";
	image_url[13] = "images/bottom/alternate1_left.png";	  
	image_url[13] = "images/bottom/alternate1_right.png";	
	image_url[14] = "images/bottom/alternate2.png";
	image_url[15] = "images/bottom/alternate2_left.png";	  
	image_url[16] = "images/bottom/alternate2_right.png";	  
	image_url[17] = "images/bottom/alternate3.png";
	image_url[18] = "images/bottom/alternate3_left.png";	  
	image_url[19] = "images/bottom/alternate3_right.png";	
	image_url[20] = "images/bottom/alternate4.png";
	image_url[21] = "images/bottom/alternate4_left.png";	  
	image_url[22] = "images/bottom/alternate4_right.png";		 
	image_url[23] = "images/bottom/options_left.png";
	totalimgs = image_url.length - 1;
	for (i=0;i<image_url.length;i++) {
		t[i] = new Image();
		t[i].onload = bang;
		t[i].src = image_url[i];
function bang() {
	if (doneimgs == totalimgs) {
		delete t;
		new Effect.BlindDown('bottombar',{duration: 0.5});

bang! I dunno why it's double-spaced, the code-highlighter's getting freaky with it.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  andy     
30584.15 In reply to 30584.14 
I dunno why it's double-spaced, the code-highlighter's getting freaky with it.
One of the mods has added a double-spacing filter to annoy Trigger.
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 From:  Ally   
 To:  andy     
30584.16 In reply to 30584.14 

Chaars. I had a layout similar to that, but I think there's a bit of a problem with it.


Basically, the way I was doing it before loads the images in sequence, wheras that one kicks off the loading all the same time (I think). For some reason this causes IE to misbehave and stick at 91% on the odd reload, which would irritate me intensely.


Weirdly, I think I've found that the problem was the percentage display itself- setting the innerHTML property was causing the stack overflow. Now I've taken that out it all works. I think.


I strongly suspect I'll be reverting to your method eventually though- I can see this recursion thing coming back to haunt me.

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 From:  andy  
 To:  Ally      
30584.17 In reply to 30584.16 
Have only ever used all-at-once loops to preload images before - browsers should be able to handle it. I guess you could do a semi-recursion thing - load images in loops of 10 or something? I dunno. Good jazz it's working anyway.
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 From:  Ally   
 To:  andy     
30584.18 In reply to 30584.17


I hope it works, anyway.

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 From:  Extrobe (ALDREDD)  
 To:  Ally      
30584.19 In reply to 30584.18 
'stack overflow at line 0'?
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 From:  Ally   
 To:  Extrobe (ALDREDD)     
30584.20 In reply to 30584.19 

<destroys head against wall>


It works fine here. Argh. Ctrl-F5ed? The old HTML might be caching. Maybe.

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 From:  Extrobe (ALDREDD)  
 To:  Ally      
30584.21 In reply to 30584.20 
nah - still get the error
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 From:  andy  
 To:  Ally      
30584.22 In reply to 30584.20 
force-refreshing and still getting the stack overflow error. erk.
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 From:  Ally   
 To:  andy     
30584.23 In reply to 30584.22 

I have bowed down to the force of your greater wisdom. Bang! I'm so leaving the function as that.


Please tell me that works.

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 From:  andy  
 To:  Ally      
30584.24 In reply to 30584.23 
yep yep, seems to be working fine in IE and Firefox here. bang!
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 From:  Ally   
 To:  andy     
30584.25 In reply to 30584.24 

Now I just need to see how to dynamically work out what images need to be added! B.. ollocks!


Oh, and chaars muchly for the help here. I would have been going for hours. So to speak.

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 From:  andy  
 To:  Ally      
30584.26 In reply to 30584.25 
cue trig coming along saying "no probs"...
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Message 30584.27 was deleted

 From:  Ben (BENLUMLEY)  
 To:  Ally      
30584.28 In reply to 30584.23 

i don't like your mustard box hanging over the edge on top of the mustard background.


i think it should either stay within the white, be on a different background, or have some visual effect to set it off from the background.


I am going to try this on opera when i get to work. And all the other browsers we have ... then maybe i can report a real problem :D

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 From:  Ally   
 To:  Ben (BENLUMLEY)     
30584.29 In reply to 30584.28 
The background isn't that mustard though? It's white with mustard stripes.

And fuck off, it isn't mustard.
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 From:  mr_swayzee  
 To:  Ally      
30584.30 In reply to 30584.29 

erm, I hate to say this but. In my Netscape 8.1 it doesn't load at all.

The 'Loading bar' gets to about 5 percent and then stops. in all the versions you have posted.


A problem shared is a problem halved, but a worry shared is a worry doubled
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 From:  Ben (BENLUMLEY)  
 To:  Ally      
30584.31 In reply to 30584.29 

i can't be blamed for my perception of mustard - i don't eat it.


but i bet i can find mustard that colour. which would half prove my point.

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 From:  Ally   
 To:  mr_swayzee     
30584.32 In reply to 30584.30 
What is Netscape 8.1?
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 From:  Ben (BENLUMLEY)  
 To:  Ally      
30584.33 In reply to 30584.1 

I was going to tell you, if you care, it doesn't work on opera.


But then i noticed it just doesn't work at the moment.


So meh. Guess you are playing

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