CodingPoorly paid coding work?


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 From:  Ally  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
30450.6 In reply to 30450.5 
Well yes, but when people say AJAX they often mean more than the programming itself- it seems to be more an idea of a more interactive web page, like that there drag and drop capability. I could proably do something like it, but I intend to experiment in my own free time before I start taking on people who actually want to pay me...
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Ally     
30450.7 In reply to 30450.6 
Well drag and drop is DHTML or Web 2.0, neither of which are actually any more descriptive/useful terms than AJAX.

But yeah, I know what you mean. :)
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