CodingExcel and duplicate lines


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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  -Daz-      
30446.2 In reply to 30446.1 
Data>Filter>Advanced Filter has a "Unique records only" option, but I've never been able to get that to work in a helpful way myself.
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 From:  -Daz-   
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
30446.3 In reply to 30446.2 
Ooooh, sounds promising. Ta.

A Catholic, a Muslim and a Jew walked in to a bar.
What a wonderful example of social integration.
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 From:  Extrobe (ALDREDD)  
 To:  -Daz-      
30446.4 In reply to 30446.1 
if you can get your mitts on excel 2007, it has a button called 'remove duplicates' which 'removes duplicate rows from a sheet'. Might do the trick?
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 From:  ian  
 To:  -Daz-      
30446.5 In reply to 30446.3 
I tried to do something like that with Excel and did something like what Peter says, except the filter doesn't delete anything it just hides them.

The only way I could actually delete the duplicates was to do the filter then copy and paste the result into another spreadsheet, which seemed kinda gay. But then maybe I was doing it wrong.

ian gunn
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  ian     
30446.6 In reply to 30446.5 
But then maybe I was doing it wrong.

Tut tut.

Rule of Computing #11: Never blame yourself when Microsoft software is involved.

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