CodingOk, this isn't really coding, per se...


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 From:  funky (ISA)  
 To:  ALL

...But I didn't want to clutter up the general or chit chat folders and wasn't sure where else it should go.


What am I doing wrong here? My signature image isn't coming out:


<a href="">
<img src="" />

It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned English -- up to fifty words used in correct context -- no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese. -Carl Sagan

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Message 30408.2 was deleted

 From:  -Daz-  
 To:  funky (ISA)     
30408.3 In reply to 30408.1 
Does your webspace allow for external sites to use images?

I like to finish my day with a clean face and toothpaste, a tinkle and a hug.
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 From:  funky (ISA)  
 To:  -Daz-     
30408.4 In reply to 30408.3 

hmmm....maybe that's the problem...let me check.


I don't see anything in their FAQ so I've got them holding me on the phone.


If they don't let me put images in my sigs, that's it. :@ I'm getting lunarpages.

It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned English -- up to fifty words used in correct context -- no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese. -Carl Sagan

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Message 30408.5 was deleted

 From:  funky (ISA)  
 To:  -Daz-     
30408.6 In reply to 30408.3 
I am on the phone with these people and they are trying to figure it out. They have had to put me on hold. I guess this is not on their normal "FAQ" list so they are CLUELESS. :/

It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned English -- up to fifty words used in correct context -- no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese. -Carl Sagan

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 From:  funky (ISA)  
 To:  -Daz-     
30408.7 In reply to 30408.3 
That wasn't the problem. I guess I just needed to use a different path for my source even though it comes up fine with the other path.

It's all good now. So tell me, is this WAY too big? I think it's too big, I'm going to shrink it

It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned English -- up to fifty words used in correct context -- no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese. -Carl Sagan

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 From:  Username  
 To:  funky (ISA)     
30408.8 In reply to 30408.1 
Im not coming out either, love.

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 From:  milko  
 To:  funky (ISA)     
30408.9 In reply to 30408.7 
You could reduce the whitespace in the image a lot. Then it'd probably be okay if you dropped the green text part of your sig. Otherwise maybe also reduce the size some, and put the green text to the right of it.

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 From:  funky (ISA)  
 To:  milko     
30408.10 In reply to 30408.9 

Thanks, good idea about reducing white space.


I am planning on removing the green text.

It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned English -- up to fifty words used in correct context -- no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese. -Carl Sagan

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 From:  funky (ISA)  
 To:  ALL
It's still too big, isn't it? I mean, since it's so bright. I didn't mean for it to be so bright, but I'm trying to symbolize different things in an abstract way and the colors were working for all those things at once.
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 From:  Matt  
 To:  funky (ISA)     
30408.12 In reply to 30408.11 

It's the coloured-ball-thing that's too big in my opinion. If you make it only as tall as the text (shrink it, don't make the text bigger) it'll be better.


I actually took the liberty of fiddling with them myself. Hope you don't mine!


You can keep the bigger one and use it as the logo for your forum (as we do the bee here) rather than the generic Beehive theme.


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 From:  funky (ISA)  
 To:  Matt     
30408.13 In reply to 30408.12 

Thanks...I like those ideas. I don't mind you playing around. I don't have much time to do it, myself. Eventually I want to take the idea and have each one of the circles be something different...links or graphics or something...maybe as a start page to my whole domain...not sure, yet.


How do replace the beehive logo with mine? And could that also change the whole strip along the top?

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 From:  Matt  
 To:  funky (ISA)     
30408.14 In reply to 30408.13 
By default the top banner is located at:

/forum/styles/top.html. (1)

If you want to be able to have different banners for each style you have created (or for the existing ones provided) you can copy the banner to each style folder.

In this case the banner is located at:

/forum/forums/[WEBTAG]/styles/[STYLENAME]/top.html (2)


/forum/styles/[STYLENAME]/top.html (3)

In all cases where [WEBTAG] is your webtag (which in your case is HOME) and [STYLENAME] is the folder name of the style. For example you might have /forum/styles/green/top.html and /forum/styles/blue/top.html as well as /forum/forums/HOME/styles/yellow/top.html and all three of them would be separate files.

The default banner file and banners saved in the style folders in path 3 are accessible by all forums you create with your Beehive Forum installation but banner files you place in styles folders in path 2 will only show on the forum which has the matching webtag, and any additional forums you create using your Beehive Forum installation will not list those styles for selection.

If you're confused at this point it'll probably make more sense to browse the FTP of your forum installation and look where all the styles are saved.

OK. Right. Paths to images and other content will be relative to where the top.html is stored, unless you put the images and content in a folder in the root of the forum installation and use the path /images/logo.jpg or similar.

All hideously complex I agree but you'll have to forgive me, it's all rather a quick fix that was stuck in place when we went multi-forum on Beehive that hasn't been changed since.


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 From:  funky (ISA)  
 To:  Matt     
30408.15 In reply to 30408.14 

When I go into my ftp and browse around I see folders for each of the six styles and inside each folder is a CSS style sheet. That's it. No extra paths after HOME except the style name folders and the style sheet and a small text file with what I've named the style.


When I type in the paths in the above post (after my domain paths, of course), I get a 404 error.


I am a little bit lost, though I thought I had actually understood your post.


I would be willing to trust you with my ftp access info if you think it's something you could do (and don't mind doing) easily. (Sometimes it's easier to do these things and then show what you've done and then I can understand it.)

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 From:  funky (ISA)  
 To:  Matt     
30408.16 In reply to 30408.14 

another thing:


How do I get my little logo up next to the URL in the browser like where the little bee is?

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 From:  Rowan  
 To:  funky (ISA)     
30408.17 In reply to 30408.16 

The little bee next to the URL is a favicon, as they're known. You need to make a 16x16 image and save it as an .ico file. Then upload it to /images/favicon.ico and you should be away, I think.


As for your styles folders having just the css file in, I think that's normal - a style without a defined top.html just defaults to the top.html described in Matt's (1) example. If you want to change the top bar for all your styles, change that one.

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 From:  Matt  
 To:  funky (ISA)     
30408.18 In reply to 30408.15 

Sorry, should have mentioned that the folders might not already exist and you may have to create them yourself.


If you can browse your FTP and find the style.css that is in /forum/forums/HOME/styles/e3d8bd/ then you're on the right track. That e3d8bd folder is where you need to place the top.html (the banner) for your current style. If you can't see the e3d8bd folder then something is amiss.


If you still want me to do it for you I can do, no problem.


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 From:  andy  
 To:  Matt     
30408.19 In reply to 30408.18 
Isn't it set up so that if the various styles subfolders don't exist (or don't contain a top.html) it defaults to the top.html in the root? Would be easier just editing that than creating all those new folders in that case..
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 From:  Matt  
 To:  andy     
30408.20 In reply to 30408.19 
It is yes, but if you want colour coordinated banners you've got to edit them all. Unless of course Laura doesn't want to have multiple styles in which case yes she can do exactly that and then delete all the other styles.


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