CodingSQL (ugh!)


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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Mikee      
30338.4 In reply to 30338.1 
Not sure if this will work, but hopefully its along the right lines:
SQL code:
SELECT id, SUM(questiontext IN (...)) AS match_count
FROM mytable
WHERE surveyid = 1

Basically, you just get all rows with a matching surveyid and count the number of matching questions.

Then you just use the query's recordcount to supply you with the first count. (which in PHP I think you use the sizeof() function for)

But like I said, I'm not sure that SQL is the precise right way of doing it.
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 From:  Ben (BENLUMLEY)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
30338.5 In reply to 30338.4 
if that doesn't work, an if will make it work.
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