CodingMicrosoft JET Database Engine error '80040e07'


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 From:  Mod_Inside (MODINSIDE)   
 To:  Kriv     
30329.3 In reply to 30329.2 

Thanks Kriv, Just checked and it's running the latest version from Microsoft's Site.


It used to work, just no idea why it's stopped and why it runs on a 2k machine fine?

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 From:  Mod_Inside (MODINSIDE)   
 To:  Mod_Inside (MODINSIDE)      
30329.4 In reply to 30329.3 

Found the problem, the staff member had inserted someones start date as 27th February 2006, instead of 27/02/2006.


Will need to change those date fields to be a select from pop up calendar !



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