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 From:  Radio  
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Has anyone got a pocketPC or possibly windows mobile 5 on their phone, and want to try out these two apps?
I'm playing about with converting a couple of my simple VB.NET programs to pocketPC - VB2005 says that the programs should work on windows mobile too, however they're designed with a touchscreen interface and a 240*320 interface in mind so I suspect phone support will be limited!


I've tested them myself on the emulator, but obviously its best is someone other than the programmer has a go!


The first app is a recreation of the simple '15 tiles' game where after shuffling, the aim is to get the tiles back in order in the least number of goes.
The second app is a 'mastermind' style game where you have to guess the code generated by the computer.


Supposedly if you have the .NET compact framework installed then simply clicking the .cab file should install it to your machine.

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 From:  Manthorp  
 To:  Radio     
30275.2 In reply to 30275.1 
I've got a Mio A201 which runs Mobile 5 and I've apparently successfully installed them, but I can't find any icons in programs or elsewhere. Soz.

I think it would be natural for the United States to play a far more dominant role in world affairs, to command and to give orders as to what is to be done. People need that.

Irving Kristol, 'godfather' of neoconservatism

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 From:  Radio  
 To:  Manthorp     
30275.3 In reply to 30275.2 
I've managed to test them out on my own pocketPC and they install to the program files directory in their own subdirectories. No idea how to get icons to appear in the programs group though.
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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  Radio     
30275.4 In reply to 30275.3 
Not installed them yet but the icons in the programs group are just shortcuts.

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