TechnicalThe PC Thread


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 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  Rich (RICARD00)     
28467.89 In reply to 28467.87 
The idea technically is that the system manufacturer is supposed to support the OS mainly, hence less support for Microsoft to dish out and hence a cheaper cost. Once I buy an OEM copy of Windows myself, that immediately rules that bit out as I'm the system builder. Therefore the innability to move the OS becomes silly as it's not as if I'm moving away from a supported system. If they said that OEM versions do not have access to direct MS tech support, then that'd be far better than trying to tie it permenantly to a particular system IMO.

Silence propagates itself, and the longer talk has been suspended, the more difficult it is to find anything to say.
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 From:  Rich (RICARD00)  
 To:  Dave!!     
28467.90 In reply to 28467.89 

I wasn't discussing your philosophy.


I'm dealing in facts. An OEM edition, installed on anything other than a new PC, does not necessarily give the end result of a legal OS.


They do need to clarify what new hardware would allow it to become legit but they don;t know themselves and that comes pretty much from the top of the UK MS tree.

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 From:  Matt  
 To:  Rich (RICARD00)     
28467.91 In reply to 28467.90 
Where does the OEM license leave someone who builds PCs for other people like I have? Do I have to be registered as an OEM system builder or VAT registered company to be able to also purchase an OEM copy of XP to give them or ... something else?

The PCs I've built have generally been complete builds with the exception of the keyboard, mouse and monitor but otherwise everything else that makes up a PC including a case is new. Where do I stand continuing to do this? I know you can't really answer this but it'd be nice if you could get an answer out of your contact at Microsoft.

Also as an extension of the above can I also not simply be my own vendor and supply and install a OEM copy of Windows installed on the new PC I built for myself with the same lack of new monitor, keyboard and mouse?

All rather confusing this is.


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 From:  Rich (RICARD00)  
 To:  Matt     
28467.92 In reply to 28467.91 

You don;t need to be registered.


If you're building complete systems from scratch and providing the customer with an OEM licensed edition of the OS, that's fine and perfectly legal.

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 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  Matt     
28467.93 In reply to 28467.91 
I know what you mean. I recently built a complete system up for someone at work. Complete with screen, keyboard, mouse, printer etc. I bought an OEM copy of XP Home and installed that on it. It still needed activating and everything else. Now that's a new PC so is it legal to put OEM Windows on it?

Silence propagates itself, and the longer talk has been suspended, the more difficult it is to find anything to say.
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 From:  Rich (RICARD00)  
 To:  Dave!!     
28467.94 In reply to 28467.93 
It was legal to do so, yes.

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 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  Rich (RICARD00)     
28467.95 In reply to 28467.94 
And yet if I'd installed say, Linux on there, given him the PC then a week later he'd wiped Linux, bought OEM XP and installed it then, it would have violated the license agreement. :|

Silence propagates itself, and the longer talk has been suspended, the more difficult it is to find anything to say.
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 From:  Rich (RICARD00)  
 To:  Dave!!     
28467.96 In reply to 28467.95 

I do agree that it's silly.


I really think that OEM licenses should only be available to OEM certified organisations. To be fair, it's even a minefield for me and I'm supposed to have expertise in this field and as I said earlier, it's a minefield for MS as even their top guys don't know which hardware can constitute a 'new PC'.

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 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  Rich (RICARD00)     
28467.97 In reply to 28467.96 
I like work where we're a University and have a simple campus agreement whereby XP Pro can be installed on all PCs. Also, we're allowed Office Pro on staff home machines legally. First legal copy of Office I've had since Office 95 incidentally :)

Silence propagates itself, and the longer talk has been suspended, the more difficult it is to find anything to say.
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 From:  Rich (RICARD00)  
 To:  Dave!!     
28467.98 In reply to 28467.97 
alot of MS licensing schemes are allowing home use now, about bloody time I say.

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 From:  Serg (NUKKLEAR)  
 To:  ALL

I think we should resurrect this thread in some way... either strip irrelevant posts out of this one, or un-stickify it and create a new one?


I was going to recommend the E5200 as a kick-ass value CPU. That's all.

[...Insert Brain Here...]
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 From:  99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)  
 To:  ALL
Personally, I object to Serg's suggestion, as this is POST 100, and if we strip out the unnecessary posts it will no longer be able to make that auspicious claim

bastard by name, bastard by nature

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 To:  ALL
I think we should register a new domain and get a proper co-located server and give this thread a Beehive forum of its very own.

Happy now?

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 From:  Serg (NUKKLEAR)  
28467.102 In reply to 28467.101 

I preferred your old sig :(


How's work going Mark? Still a pleasure to work with those devs?

[...Insert Brain Here...]
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 To:  Serg (NUKKLEAR)     
28467.103 In reply to 28467.102 
They are blithering idiots who seem to believe that an API should do everything for them, including enforcing business logic specific to their project. Not that it matters. The world's ending soon anyway.

Happy now?

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 From:  Serg (NUKKLEAR)  
28467.104 In reply to 28467.103 

I am indeed happy now that the world is ending soon anyway.


Are you sure you haven't overlooked the beverage and snack ordering function of the API?



[...Insert Brain Here...]
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
28467.105 In reply to 28467.103 
Heh. This week I've been moved onto a new high-priority project, and seem to be in a similar situation of people not having a clue how to do an API. Or structure a simple CMS-integrated webapp. Or use source control properly. Or write useful specs. And so on. :(

If you feel like advancing your career and learning CFML, there's a couple of open spaces on the team - would be good to have a second person with functioning brain cells... :)

(that's probably a bit harsh; it's more likely the fault of it being stupidly rushed that it's badly setup/etc, but it's still awfully frustrating)
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 From:  dyl  
28467.106 In reply to 28467.103 
I think you should go and work with Peter and get a webcam and leave it on so we can all watch and listen and give /that/ a website all of its own.

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 From:  xseoer  
 To:  Ixion     
28467.107 In reply to 28467.4 
quote: Ixion
Don't forget 2Gb of RAM I highly recommend that.

Have you used 4G RAM or jsut a theoretical value?
Help keep my Oscar Hopes Alive.
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 From:  koswix  
 To:  xseoer     
28467.108 In reply to 28467.107 
This spam of late has been /odd/.

GIVE ME MEAT! :@ msg:37418.1
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