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Message 28467.2 deleted 1 Feb 2006 19:02 by M00RL0CK

 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
28467.3 In reply to 28467.1 

Processors: Athlon X2 4200+ - A beefy dual core chip for just £250.
Motherboards: Abit Fatal1ty AN8-SLI - An expensive but utterly top notch board. £125 including VAT, but worth it for a high end system.
Gigabyte GA-K8N-SLI - A socket 939 nForce SLI board with PCI Express, 3GB SATA, etc. and all for under £60.


I also suggest a "Coolers" section under which the Zalman CNPS9500 has to go. I've had mine for a month and it's amazing. Virtually silent and barely even lukewarm to touch. And that's with an overclocked CPU as well.

"Everyone is entitled to an opinion, just as everyone is entitled to disagree with someone's opinion. The other important skill is the ability to distinguish between someone attacking your opinion because they don't agree with it, and someone just attacking you personally because you're a fool." - Me, 2005.
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 From:  Ixion  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
28467.4 In reply to 28467.1 
Don't forget 2Gb of RAM I highly recommend that.

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
 To:  Mr (M00RL0CK)     
28467.5 In reply to 28467.2 
I assume you mean with Teh Amazon referral link included.
Which is a good idea. I'll go search for links this evening.

Dave!!: You didn't provide links! :@
Updated anyway.

Ixion: Was very tempted to, but decided against.

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 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
28467.6 In reply to 28467.5 

Athlon X2 from eBuyer
Gigabyte Mobo from eBuyer
Abit Mobo from eBuyer
Zalman CNPS9500 from

"Everyone is entitled to an opinion, just as everyone is entitled to disagree with someone's opinion. The other important skill is the ability to distinguish between someone attacking your opinion because they don't agree with it, and someone just attacking you personally because you're a fool." - Me, 2005.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
 To:  Dave!!     
28467.7 In reply to 28467.6 
No matter - I went and found the ebuyer ones myself.

Will add the Zalman one though.

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 From:  Ixion  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
28467.8 In reply to 28467.1 

AGP Graphics card Geforce 7800GS


PCI-Express G/C Geforce 7800 GT


The 7800Gt in particular is excellent value for money shame it's only for those with PCI-e

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 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  Ixion     
28467.9 In reply to 28467.8 
You've used the same link for both

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 From:  Ixion  
 To:  ANT_THOMAS     
28467.10 In reply to 28467.9 
Doh toss, so I have <curses scan's URL system>

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 From:  milko  
 To:  Ixion     
28467.11 In reply to 28467.8 
They're 200 quid! Is there any actual games worth spending this sort of money on nowadays?

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
 To:  Ixion     
28467.12 In reply to 28467.10 
I think I found the correct link for the other one?

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 From:  Ixion  
 To:  milko     
28467.13 In reply to 28467.11 
Well, I've got the 7800GT and it's very lovely indeed, whether it's worth the money or not I'm not sure but there's nothing I can't run without AA turned on, AOE III, Black and White 2, COD2, Quake 4, Anything with HDR all look lots better than they used to on my R9700 Pro, what's really missing at the moment is a supply of must have games on the PC :(

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 From:  Ixion  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)      
28467.14 In reply to 28467.12 
I was recommending the cheaper 7800GT, the GTX is about £120 more for about 10% more performance so really not worth it! I updated the original link.

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 From:  milko  
 To:  Ixion     
28467.15 In reply to 28467.13 
I need to start a thread or something, because I'm not sure it's just me being lured away by joyous console things and busybusyworkwork or what, but there's very little exciting on PC lately. I can run Half Life 2 pretty damn well on a 9800 Pro and haven't really seen much need to do anything bigger so far.

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
 To:  Ixion     
28467.16 In reply to 28467.14 
Ok, updated.

Also put in the Amazon links - all one of them. :|

(Can someone check I've done the referral bit right.)

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 From:  Ixion  
 To:  milko     
28467.17 In reply to 28467.15 

There are some very good PC games out there, Civ IV, AOE III, NFSMW, COD2 Quake 4 but nothing coming up in the near future that I'm all excited about at the moment.


I was looking at the XBox 360 and nothing on that really looks inspiring either. The last game I got really really excited about was GT4 on the PS2, but I've finished that and it looks unpolished and a bit shit compared to modern PC graphics.


Maybe the PS3 will bring with it a new Gran Turismo game that will get me into gaming again!

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)   
 To:  milko     
28467.18 In reply to 28467.15 

It's currently in Beta and should be out by the summer. \o/

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 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  Ixion     
28467.19 In reply to 28467.17 
I'm enjoying Quake IV at the moment. Which is nice as I never got into FEAR, AOE III or owt like that. The graphics in it are lovely too!

"Everyone is entitled to an opinion, just as everyone is entitled to disagree with someone's opinion. The other important skill is the ability to distinguish between someone attacking your opinion because they don't agree with it, and someone just attacking you personally because you're a fool." - Me, 2005.
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 From:  Ixion  
 To:  Dave!!     
28467.20 In reply to 28467.19 
They are indeed, it's the first PC game in a long while I've finished and it looked lovely especially with 4X AA all the way through!

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 From:  Dave!!  
 To:  Ixion     
28467.21 In reply to 28467.20 
I might have to give 4x AA a try. It's running with 2x AA at the moment and it's very nice. And it doesn't chug like a chuggy chugger such as FEAR. Although Q4 is based on the Doom 3 engine isn't it and Doom3 always looked and ran nice, even if it was as boring as pigshit.

"Everyone is entitled to an opinion, just as everyone is entitled to disagree with someone's opinion. The other important skill is the ability to distinguish between someone attacking your opinion because they don't agree with it, and someone just attacking you personally because you're a fool." - Me, 2005.
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