I don't drink tea at all (though I have PG Tips in the cupboard for when my parents/mum come to visit), I just felt a weird desire to write something that rhymed with your post.
I want something to drink, because I am hot... but I've drunk/drank/drinked/whatever all my milkshake and I CBA going to get any orange juice from the fridge. :/
Yup, 22:26 and still sweating like a ... um, sweaty thing.
Doesn't help having a huge monitor acting like a radiator. :$
I'm going to buy a nice big fan from Homebase tomorrow to hopefully keep me cool.
I've got a small 2 setting fan (plus off) that is too bloody loud to sleep with on. And being drunk made sleeping hard last night for some reason. So I had a stupidly hot room with a loud fan on and I couldn't sleep because of drunkardness.