GeneralCracked my ball


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Message 2226.711 was deleted

 From:  Manthorp   
 To:  Racoon     
2226.712 In reply to 2226.711 
I think Kara's going to tuck me in...

Democracy shouldn't be too difficult to sell to dictators: after all, Hitler was elected

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 From:  kara  
 To:  Manthorp      
2226.713 In reply to 2226.712 
You englishes have the most amusing euphemisms.
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 From:  Manthorp   
 To:  kara     
2226.714 In reply to 2226.713 
All the better to avoid any direct mention of...well, you know...

Democracy shouldn't be too difficult to sell to dictators: after all, Hitler was elected

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 From:  Manthorp   
 To:  ALL
2226.715 In reply to 2226.714 
G'night all, g'night Granpaw, g'night Johnboy

Democracy shouldn't be too difficult to sell to dictators: after all, Hitler was elected

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 From:  Rich (RICARD00)  
 To:  Manthorp      
2226.716 In reply to 2226.709 
You're talking bollocks.

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 From:  koswix  
 To:  Manthorp      
2226.717 In reply to 2226.715 

Ben - stud, hung like a shetland pony.

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 From:  Manthorp   
 To:  Rich (RICARD00)     
2226.718 In reply to 2226.716 
:-) Dammit. Wrong thread

Democracy shouldn't be too difficult to sell to dictators: after all, Hitler was elected

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 From:  No. 6 (SIMON)  
 To:  Manthorp      
2226.719 In reply to 2226.718 
Yay this thread has finally dies and has no been usurped by me to uses as my Blog. Or has it?
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 From:  Rich  
 To:  No. 6 (SIMON)     
2226.720 In reply to 2226.719 
Once upon time...

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 From:  Linn (INDYLS)  
 To:  No. 6 (SIMON)     
2226.721 In reply to 2226.719 
Could you say that in English please?
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 From:  Sulkpot  
 To:  No. 6 (SIMON)     
2226.722 In reply to 2226.719 
You are Babel and I claim my 'peception' effects through, or indeed as a interrelation of 'forces'.

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 From:  No. 6 (SIMON)  
 To:  Linn (INDYLS)     
2226.723 In reply to 2226.721 
Certainamentness. I can typolate it with formiddable coherence
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 From:  Linn (INDYLS)  
 To:  No. 6 (SIMON)     
2226.724 In reply to 2226.723 
:D Your typolating is indeed most formididably indubidible.
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Message 2226.725 was deleted

Message 2226.726 was deleted

 From:  Linn (INDYLS)  
 To:  Racoon     
2226.727 In reply to 2226.725 
eiee, I fold under pressure.
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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Racoon     
2226.728 In reply to 2226.726 
Java ICK!

I only got 76/71wpm. :(

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 From:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)  
 To:  Racoon     
2226.729 In reply to 2226.726 
Proof that evil Java slows me down...

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 From:  Izziwizzi (JAMES)  
 To:  Peter (BOUGHTONP)     
2226.730 In reply to 2226.729 
Yeah, but you interface directly with the program and therefore don't count.

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