I suspect there's an awful lot of traditionalists out there and all the imagery on their site doesn't seem to fit that mould very well. I'm probably more typical of the average crafty type they'd encounter if they managed to get comments from a good cross section of the population. In my case, I love making things with pointy sticks and stringy stuff and those things tend to be useful and even attractive. I'm happy to be crusty. Representative responses would even include people who *ahem* scrapbook but I wonder how sniffy they'd be about it if they had a flood of responses form people fond of paper and glue.
However many responses they do get, I know there's a small but significant flood from other knitters at Ravelry, some of them who do it or something related (spinning, dying, etc) for a living. Hopefully, they'll take on board that they really can't ignore all the people who aren't simply producing strange metal blobs or vases with beaks in the name of innovation, but who are simply plodding away at something they love and find fulfilling. |