I think it would be natural for the United States to play a far more dominant role in world affairs, to command and to give orders as to what is to be done. People need that.
2266. Trig continues to think he's eating computer parts only to discover that the guy who brought a computer case full of potatoes to PC World has struck again.
Arfle all you like, cracked-ball man. It's 2269 and because the nurse has increased your dosage, you're having brief moments of lucidity where you experience flashbacks to the Teh Forum thread where you were perpetually reminded of your cracked ball.
Whew! 2272 and the Viagra comany gives Manthorp a lifetime customer loyalty reward in the form of a Golden Viagra, which he promptly swallows, chokes on and dies.
Bush Says Cheney, Rumsfeld Will Stay: "Both Men Are Doing Fantastic Jobs"...
2273: The Suttiestation 301 is launched to mixed reviews. Media pundits question whether the console really needs 45 quargleplex drives and claim that the 1990s styling is a retro too far.
Some claim that the Suttiestation is redeemed by its library of resolutely unreconstructed manly games including the must-have killer Driving Testosterone.
Bush Says Cheney, Rumsfeld Will Stay: "Both Men Are Doing Fantastic Jobs"...