Parakeets, unsure whether they have been named after a country or not, decide that they've had enough and form a political party dedicated to fighting the war against television. Nothing comes of it, though.
Paratroopers are sent to fight the paraplegics on the previously neutral grounds of Paraguay, and are defeated as the parakeets decide to ally with the paraplegics to form the Paralliance.
Deriviative humorous posts about words which start with "para" are outlawed. Violators are punished by stoning. The giant space ark finally launches and heads for Alpha Centauri; The Romans win with 110%.
Pope Peter is voted funniest human being of all time. He extends the hand of friendship to a bitter and twisted down-and-out ex-rival, Mark Rendle, who humbly accepts his charity and becomes the Papal Bumlove.
Pope Peter and his Papal Bumlove are assassinated by Kenny Johnson who has been known as "The Second Funniest Man in Paraguay" since that whole business with the meteors and Andy Black and the Space Arc and the Yates's Wine Lodge.
A new band, "Pope Peter and his Papal Bumlove" explode onto the scene with a groundbreaking new retro-retro-nu-retro-nu-prog sound.
Kenny The Wisdom of Amazon Customer Reviews:
(Sudden Cardiac Arrest would be a bit redundant, anyway. I mean, in medical terms "sudden" is synonymous with "acute," which is the opposite of "chronic." It's not like anyone is in a state of CHRONIC Cardiac Arrest. That's called "dead." The closest thing would be Congestive Heart Failure, which can be either chronic or acute, and if that's something you need to worry about, then your doctor's already told you everything you need to know.)
Five years after the death of its lazy Pope-accompanying creator, the domain finally expires and the content is lost forever. Allowing Gregory to steal all of it.