GeneralCracked my ball


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 From:  truffy  
 To:  steve     
2226.1168 In reply to 2226.1167 

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Message 2226.1169 was deleted

Message 2226.1170 was deleted

Message 2226.1171 was deleted

 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  Racoon     
2226.1172 In reply to 2226.1160 
If you are drunk be sick before you go to bed, that way you have a better chance of either getting rid of the hangover or have a less bad one. The reason being is that you are getting rid of most of the alcohol in your digestive system.

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Message 2226.1173 was deleted

 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  Racoon     
2226.1174 In reply to 2226.1173 

At twenty past 9??


I've just got in from work now and you're already drunk.


My God I know I was a 'lighterweight' last year but not that bad.


<shakes head>

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Message 2226.1175 was deleted

 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  Racoon     
2226.1176 In reply to 2226.1175 

You said you had 3?


Am I right in saying you were drunk off of 3 shots of Vodka?

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Message 2226.1177 was deleted

 From:  ANT_THOMAS  
 To:  Racoon     
2226.1178 In reply to 2226.1177 

But no more than 6 shots?




(I'm just jealous because I'm on Antibiotics and can't drink)

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Message 2226.1179 was deleted

Message 2226.1180 was deleted

 From:  truffy  
 To:  Racoon     
2226.1181 In reply to 2226.1180 

...or less



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Message 2226.1182 was deleted

 From:  truffy  
 To:  Racoon     
2226.1183 In reply to 2226.1182 
harsh :'(

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Message 2226.1184 was deleted

 From:  Manthorp   
 To:  Racoon     
2226.1185 In reply to 2226.1171 
A smack on the bum and count yourself lucky, cheeky young whippersnapper.

"Na na na na na na na na hey hey hey"
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 From:  Rich (RICARD00)  
 To:  Manthorp      
2226.1186 In reply to 2226.1185 
Safe trip back?

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 From:  Manthorp   
 To:  Rich (RICARD00)     
2226.1187 In reply to 2226.1186 
Aye, uneventful bar the incessant kids' squabbling. See you in York, then Kettlewell...

"Na na na na na na na na hey hey hey"
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