seasonal salutations

From: william (WILLIAMA) 5 Jan 2023 23:38
To: milko 9 of 13
I know nothing about Austin Butler who is stepping into the Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen role that Sting did in the Lynch version, but his IMDB bio, including the Elvis role, makes me worry that there's more TV pilot episode on the way. 

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 6 Jan 2023 18:39
To: william (WILLIAMA) 10 of 13
Villeneuve has had some great outings, this ain't one of them.
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 9 Jan 2023 00:19
The man who didn't fuck up Blade Runner 2049 has managed to do a passable version of DUNC. I've seen it at the cinema, in the comfort of my own home, and at my sister's on Christmas Eve, on their big telly with all the motion-smoothing turned on, and my 80-year-old mother watching utterly bewildered, and Meh, it's OK. I've managed to say nothing about the thopter crash makes a mockery of aerodynamics, UNTIL NOW. The thopter crash makes a mockery of aerodynamics.

I'll give him points for casting Charlotte Rampling as the Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, though.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 9 Jan 2023 18:18
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 12 of 13
It kind of pissed me off. Villeneuve I expected to come up with a radically different take, or even a slightly different take, instead of mostly the same but less. I couldn't care less about the thopter thing (which I didn't even know the name of), it's just moar marvel universe bilge.
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