Dracula (BBC mini series) TWR

From: william (WILLIAMA)12 Jan 2020 14:10
To: william (WILLIAMA) 2 of 3
A kind of glossy rehash of all the Dracula's Castle tropes gave way to a genuinely impressive recasting of Van Helsing as a Dutch Nun (actor Dolly Wells). Sadly, after the Count arrived in Britain, things deteriorated as only a Gatiss/Moffat production can, with a surfeit of pompously, over-dramatic, pot-boiling ideas all crammed in as a substitute for a genuine resolution. I felt optimistic after the first two episodes, apart from the last minute of episode two which signalled a change into something closer to Sherlock or Dr Who.  
From: koswix 3 Feb 2020 13:48
To: william (WILLIAMA) 3 of 3
Nail meet head.

Enjoyed it, but your review is spot on.