Westworld Season 1 (2016) TWR

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 7 Oct 2019 21:02
To: ALL6 of 8
Nope, haven't seen the movie, though I'm keen to. The series has a lot of thoughtful stuff, interspersed with extreme violence (example: park employee attempts to behead a deactivated droid so's he can bring it back to the lab, droid wakes up, clambors out the hole it fell into and proceeds to bash in own head with a boulder. Oh yeah, the droids bleed copiously.). Supposedly Season 2 is a fail according to MrsD's research.
EDITED: 7 Oct 2019 21:07 by DSMITHHFX
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)23 Oct 2019 20:05
To: ALL7 of 8
MrsD. has bravely soldiered through countless scenes of android mayhem, beheadings, dismemberments and disembowelments, we're down to the season one finale, which we might delay for a day or three else she chucks the tv off the balcony. Not sure how much credit Crichton deserves, but this is way above his usual in terms of depth and subtlety (apart from the mayhem, obviously).
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)24 Oct 2019 15:30
To: ALL8 of 8
And done. Nothing to add except, "wow."

Anthony Hopkins' character: suicide by android.

Season two set up as: the revenge of the androids.