
From: william (WILLIAMA) 1 Dec 2018 21:46
To: ANT_THOMAS 34 of 36
There's something profoundly embarrassing about eating it. It's like the pig was consulted about being eaten and said, 'Yeah, OK, I get that you want to scoff my meaty haunches or my fatty belly, but whatever you do, don't eat those bits, because they're sort of dirty and private.' But we go ahead and eat them anyway. And, yes, they're stinky and chewy and disgusting, but also some people love that because they're back to being 2 or 3 and stuck in the anal stage. And if you knew some of those people, voting for Le Pen with their hands and clamping their jowls on the arse sausage for comfort, you wouldn't be surprised.
From: ANT_THOMAS 2 Dec 2018 00:02
To: william (WILLIAMA) 35 of 36
I'm really glad my mention of Andouillette has provoked such a response.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 2 Dec 2018 01:00
To: ANT_THOMAS 36 of 36
If I so much as see it on a menu, I'll run screaming out of the establishment.