Photo Print Utility

From: william (WILLIAMA)18 Sep 2017 11:08
To: ALL1 of 3
OK - I have a picture frame that takes several photos of similar but slightly different sizes. What I would like is a free photo utility that allows me to place 4 photos on a template (say A4) and then resize them individually in a WYSIWYG manner.

All the utilities I've seen so far, including the various built in Windows ones, allow you to slap 4 photos onto a template, but then they either expand all to fit the frame equally, or else maintain a relative size difference between the photos but still expand them all to take advantage of the template's real-estate.

I'm sure there are dozens that do what I want, but all the ones I've seen so far seem so proud of the fact that they've worked out how to optimise paper use that they've lost sight of what might be just as useful - printing to the size that's needed.

Thinking about it, I could open a blank A4 picture in some friendly editor such as Photoshop or PSP or whatever, paste in what I want and print that, but it all seems a faff.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)18 Sep 2017 21:56
To: william (WILLIAMA) 2 of 3
LibreOffice Draw
From: william (WILLIAMA)18 Sep 2017 23:46
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 3 of 3
Why thank you. I even had it installed already. In the end I just c&Pd the photos into a couple of blank A4 pictures and it worked OK.