
From: graphitone14 Jul 2017 09:18
To: ALL1 of 6
I've been using Jim's copy of Adobe's CS2 for what seems like forever, and after Adobe released the codes to license older versions of their software a year or two back, I got Premiere and Adobe Standard too. Those latter programs have been working fine, but Photoshop's been knobbled by Windows 10. Windows and toolbars disappear with gay abandon, save menus no longer pop up in front of images, opening a file will sometimes result in the file being displayed, sometimes not. Usually an 'tab' show/hide toggle will sort it out, but it's not reliable. If I was being cynical, I'd say the folks at Adobe have had a hand in it and purposely annoying people into upgrading. I have read that the old software just isn't supported all that well on Win10.

I've have got a download of CS3, and the grace period before activation's required has worked fine, the niggles aren't there anymore. But like so many, I'm not feeling like I want to part with a vast sum of pounds to add to the coffers of Adobe's bank account for the few times a month I use it. So, I'm cheekily asking if anyone has a spare code (unlikely I know...) or if there's a slightly more reputable activation process I can attempt than those offered when googling it

From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)14 Jul 2017 14:39
To: graphitone 2 of 6
might be able to help you out after work.
From: graphitone14 Jul 2017 15:48
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)14 Jul 2017 23:01
To: graphitone 4 of 6
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)16 Jul 2017 11:06
To: graphitone 5 of 6
Any joy?
From: graphitone16 Jul 2017 19:15
Tried it this morning and I can't get the keygen to run on Win10 even under compatibility mode. :(

From the date stamp, looks like it was released in 2008, so I'm assuming it'll run ok under XP (I've only got 7 and 10 available). If you're still running that, can I ask you to run it for me and generate a licence code to pm to me? If the activation's anything like the CS2 one, it'll generate a secondary code after putting the licence code in, which you need to plug back into the generator for it to give you the final activation code.

I appreciate this is going above and beyond, but would be massively grateful and would owe you a bottle of something should you grace these shores again. :)

EDITED: 16 Jul 2017 19:16 by GRAPHITONE