Laser cutter

From: Woggy21 Jan 2016 08:52
To: koswix 14 of 15
Sounds good, the compressed air nozzle is supposed to stop flame outs but I find it depends what your cutting and and the power speed you use etc.

We make a tonnes of engraved wooden signs and perspex point of sales displays and photo engraved granite etc for our branches. Really easy to use, compared to our engraving machines.

From: koswix21 Jan 2016 10:26
To: Woggy 15 of 15
They are good fun. The air assist helps reduce the charring on the cut edge in woods, as well as stopping flames.

I engraved some glass bottles for Xmas presents ( on a friends laser - definitely needs an improved extraction system as even with a mask it got bit raspy on the throat :S

My laser I'd almost up and running - got power on/off to laser tube working, just need to sort out the power level selection now.