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From: graphitone 1 Sep 2015 15:19
Maybe you'd put stuff away if the shelves were closer to you?

Furthering that idea, you could install some personal shelves. That area between your arm and your side when the arm hangs loosely down is just lost space. Install some shelves and get your stuff stored.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 1 Sep 2015 15:33
To: graphitone 5 of 5
Just went through a massive clean out of my man-cave (nj), preparatory to getting new windows in our apt. Threw out at least 500lbs of stuff, mostly papers, some books (actually I gave away most) and computer gear including several dead, 10y-o psu's, assorted pci cards, some ancient mac stuffs (scsi & zip drive cables) &ct. I only filled one tub with stuff to sort later. I now have a virgin shelf to play with (nj). (bounce)