Chrome's on my shit list

From: Dave!!18 Oct 2014 16:56
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 12 of 22
Indeed. It's been my browser for several months now and it's great :)
From: DeannaG (CYBATRON)18 Oct 2014 17:26
To: ALL13 of 22
Why would anyone muck around with Chrome? In my opinion, it and Internet Explorer are pure junk.


I blame Matt. He told me to try it.  Now I'm hooked and it's all his fault. :-)
From: johngti_mk-ii18 Oct 2014 17:35
To: ALL14 of 22
I hesitate to say this but I honestly don't care which browser I use. They all work ok. I also don't care about which mouse or keyboard I use. Or operating system for that matter.

I feel so out of place...
From: milko18 Oct 2014 19:46
To: johngti_mk-ii 15 of 22
I'm increasingly of the same mind, for browsers at least. I use chrome mostly because everything is synced across a few places that way, but they can all do that nowadays really.
From: johngti_mk-ii18 Oct 2014 19:50
To: milko 16 of 22
I get that. But I can't honestly think of a reason why I'd want to keep tabs open across loads of devices. I'm happy to finish what I'm doing at the end of the day, for instance, and then look at completely different stuff when I get home. Being able to access files and whatnot seems more important to me
From: milko18 Oct 2014 21:07
To: johngti_mk-ii 17 of 22
It syncs bookmarks and passwords and so on too. Or, I can be looking at something on my phone and later go "oh yeah, what was that thing I wanted to look at properly" and it's easily available in the history. Or even right that moment just to save me typing it in, since it says what's open on the other computer's tabs last. You don't have to leave them open specially. But yeah files too, Google drive and whatnot all integrate nicely but I think they'd be easy enough from Firefox too.
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From: Dave!!19 Oct 2014 20:47
To: johngti_mk-ii 19 of 22
I'm with you regarding syncing, never used it myself.

To be honest, my main "wants" from a browser are for it to be capable of using a few simple addons (ad blocker, flash-by-default blocker, YouTube downloader, tiny tabs - cos I have loads of pages open). I also need the browser to suit my way of working. For example, I hate tiny stop/reload buttons at the far end of the address bar as it's the opposite side of the screen to the other navigational controls, so feels illogical and messy to me.

Firefox used to be perfect and customisable, but Firefox 29 screwed a lot of that. They crippled the customisability, the Australis tabs look dreadful if you shrink the size and pack a lot of them together, and they also disposed of the status bar as well.

Modern Firefox therefore is just a pale Chrome imitation these days. It's very sad to see that their response to losing market share wasn't to make themselves more unique, it was to copy Chrome's interface and dump a load of customisability and power that Firefox used to have. Since the change, the loss of market share of Firefox has only accelerated funnily enough.

Must admit that I've never really tried Chrome for a long period of time, only as a "second browser" now and again. Still, Pale Moon is everything that Firefox used to be, so does me fine :)
From: johngti_mk-ii19 Oct 2014 23:10
To: Dave!! 20 of 22
Pale moon? Now that is exactly what I'm on about. I would never be bothered enough to try anything other than safari (at work), Firefox (at work for things that don't work well in Safari) and Internet explorer on the pc. I just don't care enough to have an opinion. I also prefer the simplicity of ios to the customisability of android. I may have to stop referring to myself as a geek :(
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)20 Oct 2014 01:12
To: ALL21 of 22
Happened to be booted into xp so I fired up Chrome (which I haven't updated recently) and it runs smooth as silk.
From: Dave!!22 Oct 2014 22:15
To: johngti_mk-ii 22 of 22
I'm similar. I happily used Firefox without caring for years, then one day I fire it up and think "What the fuck is this? Has it been replaced with Chrome suddenly?". I try to customise it back to how I liked it, only Mozilla know better and have removed most the customisation options.

A quick Google later and I stumbled upon Pale Moon. Quickly installed it, and back to how I like it.

I'm not a geek that messes around much. I only use a few addons, but it irks me when they randomly change things for no good reason, and remove functionality at the same time.