eBay scam warning

From: Dave!!11 Sep 2014 17:57
To: ALL1 of 2
Just heard about an increasing scam that's going around on eBay. Mainly for computer bits, but might also be used for other things too. Rather than explaining it all in detail, there's a full description of it Here , along with how to spot it etc.

Worth being aware of if you buy any computery/techie things from there...
From: DeannaG (CYBATRON)14 Sep 2014 12:07
To: Dave!! 2 of 2
Thanks for the heads up!

Fortunately, I don't often buy something tech on Ebay or Amazon, and when I do, I usually stick with sellers I already know or who come very well recommended by someone I know well enough to trust their information.

Got ripped once many years ago. Result. I learned to be more careful. Hasn't happened again. :)
